Switch to puppet 8

Now that Puppet 8 is officially supported with Foreman 3.12/Katello 4.14 and Puppet 7 is EOL soon, I wonder what I have to do exactly to switch my existing foreman servers and proxies with puppet 7 to puppet 8.

I haven’t really found anything in the docs for the switch, only for a new installation. Is there a guide somewhere how to switch to puppet 8 without breaking everything?


I only replaced the puppet7 repo for puppet8 repo, ran dnf update and foreman-installer and that was all.

Yepp, just update the packages to the puppet 8 ones and run installer, you should be good.
(that’s also what our pipelines do when they test upgrades from 3.11 to 3.12+)

Commands should be (assuming a connected installation):

dnf -y install https://yum.puppet.com/puppet8-release-el-8.noarch.rpm
dnf -y --refresh update
foreman-maintain service stop
foreman-installer --scenario katello

After that, sync the repos and repeat on clients and capsules.

Thanks for all the answers. Switching the puppet repository to puppet8 was really everything needed. Updated packages and ran foreman-installer to make sure everything is correctly configured.

Of course, a few puppet8 changes hit some of our own modules, e.g. the deprecation of $::fqdn

Noticed I also was using the puppet 7 repo so switched to 8. I however does not use puppet on my Foreman server and seen that the only package that was updated was puppet-agent.
Do I even need that package from the yum.puppet.com repo?

[root@foreman ~]# systemctl status puppet
○ puppet.service - Puppet agent
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/puppet.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:puppet-agent(8)
[root@foreman ~]# dnf list installed| grep -i puppet
puppet-agent.x86_64                                        8.10.0-1.el9                     @puppet8
puppet-agent-oauth.noarch                                  0.5.10-1.el9                     @foreman
puppet8-release.noarch                                     1.0.0-9.el9                      @@commandline

Tried to remove it and is hit by a few dependencies so I guess I need to keep it:

[root@foreman ~]# dnf remove puppet-agent
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                             Architecture           Version                          Repository                Size
 puppet-agent                                        x86_64                 8.10.0-1.el9                     @puppet8                 116 M
Removing dependent packages:
 foreman-installer-katello                           noarch                 1:3.12.1-1.el9                   @System                  433 k
 katello                                             noarch                 4.14.1-1.el9                     @System                  378
 puppet-agent-oauth                                  noarch                 0.5.10-1.el9                     @foreman                  41 k
Removing unused dependencies:
 candlepin                                           noarch                 4.4.20-1.el9                     @System                   99 M
 foreman-installer                                   noarch                 1:3.12.1-1.el9                   @System                  7.3 M
 katello-certs-tools                                 noarch                 2.10.0-1.el9                     @System                  208 k
 katello-common                                      noarch                 4.14.1-1.el9                     @System                   26 k
 rubygem-activerecord-import                         noarch                 1.7.0-1.el9                      @System                   95 k
 rubygem-angular-rails-templates                     noarch                 1:1.1.0-2.el9                    @System                  9.5 k
 rubygem-ansi                                        noarch                 1.5.0-3.el9                      @System                   78 k
 rubygem-faraday                                     noarch                 1.10.2-1.el9                     @System                  113 k
 rubygem-faraday-em_http                             noarch                 1.0.0-1.el9                      @System                   13 k
 rubygem-faraday-em_synchrony                        noarch                 1.0.0-1.el9                      @System                   10 k
 rubygem-faraday-excon                               noarch                 1.1.0-1.el9                      @System                  7.2 k
 rubygem-faraday-httpclient                          noarch                 1.0.1-1.el9                      @System                  8.6 k
 rubygem-faraday-multipart                           noarch                 1.0.4-1.el9                      @System                   12 k
 rubygem-faraday-net_http                            noarch                 1.0.1-1.el9                      @System                   10 k
 rubygem-faraday-net_http_persistent                 noarch                 1.2.0-1.el9                      @System                  7.4 k
 rubygem-faraday-patron                              noarch                 1.0.0-1.el9                      @System                  7.8 k
 rubygem-faraday-rack                                noarch                 1.0.0-1.el9                      @System                  5.9 k
 rubygem-faraday-retry                               noarch                 1.0.3-1.el9                      @System                   11 k
 rubygem-foreman_maintain                            noarch                 1:1.7.6-1.el9                    @System                  438 k
 rubygem-fx                                          noarch                 0.8.0-1.el9                      @System                   39 k
 rubygem-kafo                                        noarch                 7.4.0-1.el9                      @System                  186 k
 rubygem-kafo_parsers                                noarch                 1.2.1-1.el9                      @System                   15 k
 rubygem-kafo_wizards                                noarch                 0.0.2-2.el9                      @System                   19 k
 rubygem-katello                                     noarch                 4.14.1-1.el9                     @System                   99 M
 rubygem-multipart-post                              noarch                 2.2.3-1.el9                      @System                   22 k
 rubygem-pulp_ansible_client                         noarch                 0.21.7-1.el9                     @System                  1.8 M
 rubygem-pulp_certguard_client                       noarch                 3.49.17-1.el9                    @System                  138 k
 rubygem-pulp_container_client                       noarch                 2.20.2-1.el9                     @System                  1.0 M
 rubygem-pulp_deb_client                             noarch                 3.2.1-1.el9                      @System                  1.1 M
 rubygem-pulp_file_client                            noarch                 3.49.17-1.el9                    @System                  625 k
 rubygem-pulp_ostree_client                          noarch                 2.3.2-1.el9                      @System                  649 k
 rubygem-pulp_python_client                          noarch                 3.11.2-1.el9                     @System                  586 k
 rubygem-pulp_rpm_client                             noarch                 3.26.1-1.el9                     @System                  1.2 M
 rubygem-pulpcore_client                             noarch                 1:3.49.17-1.el9                  @System                  1.8 M
 rubygem-spidr                                       noarch                 0.7.1-1.el9                      @System                   95 k
 rubygem-stomp                                       noarch                 1.4.10-1.el9                     @System                  171 k
 tomcat                                              noarch                 1:9.0.87-2.el9                   @System                  322 k
 yum-utils                                           noarch                 4.3.0-16.el9                     @System                   23 k

Transaction Summary
Remove  42 Packages

Freed space: 332 M
Is this ok [y/N]:

If you don’t use the puppet server, then the repository is only used by foreman-installer itself. foreman-installer is puppet. Thus you always need the puppet-agent packaged installed because that is needed to run foreman-installer and install foreman. The puppet.service doesn’t need to run if you don’t use puppet for your configuration management.

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I followed the same and today upgraded foreman from 3.11 to 3.12 along with puppet from 7 to 8
But the puppet agent runs fail as it’s now unable to recognize the foreman location variables. Any idea how to fix it?

You’ll have to post the exact error messages…

Here is the output of puppet agent -tv

# puppet agent -tv
Info: Using environment 'development'
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Notice: Requesting catalog from XXX:8140 (x.x.x.x)
Notice: Catalog compiled by XXX
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, uninitialized constant Puppet::Parser::Functions::PSON (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/development/manifests/002_dns.pp, line: 5, column: 17) on node XXX
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

Puppet manifest

# cat /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/development/manifests/002_dns.pp
# Enforce local DNS resolver configuration based on host's location set in Puppet "$location" variable
# This code uses module "saz-resolv_conf" module
class {'resolv_conf':
	nameservers => [ "$dns1", "$dns2"],
	searchpath  => parsejson($dns_search_path),
	options => [ "rotate" ],

And dns_search_path is a location parameter defined in Foreman.

If you need more info please let me know.

The puppet server sends a 500 error code. Thus you have to post the error from the puppetserver log.

What version of puppetlabs/stdlib are you using? PSON is not supported anymore in Puppet 8 and stdlib switched to a native JSON parser in 8.5.0: Switch parsejson() from PSON to JSON parsing · puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib@53a8ccf · GitHub

The stdlib version is 6.5.0 so I don’t think it’s a problem with Foreman.
I need to work on updating all the puppet modules so they are compatible with Puppet 8.

Thanks for your help. Appreciate it!

Yepp, I am also quite sure it’s not the Foreman part that’s broken for you, but “just” general incompatibility of some modules with Puppet 8.

There should be no reason why you couldn’t downgrade back to Puppet 7, validate all your modules against a test setup, and then re-upgrade to 8.