Sync repository fails. "Invalid remote URL"

Im not able to sync repository, it tells me:


An invalid remote URL was provided: Index of /client/nightly/el9

I have tried multiple different URLs:

That last one is straight from the documentation mentioned below.

If im doing something wrong then i cant see it…

Expected outcome:
Sync the packages… The URL matches what is given in the documentation for ie. adding AlmaLinux yum repo.
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 3.0.11.el8
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:
Other relevant data:

hammer repository info --id 2
Id:                      2
Name:                    Puppet Agent YUM
Label:                   Puppet_Agent_YUM
Description:             Puppet agent YUM repos
Organization:            snip
Red Hat Repository:      no
Content Type:            yum
Content Label:           snip_Puppet_Agent_Puppet_Agent_YUM
Mirroring Policy:        Content Only
Publish Via HTTP:        yes
Published At:            https://puppet/pulp/content/snip/Library/custom/Puppet_Agent/Puppet_Agent_YUM/
Relative Path:           snip/Library/custom/Puppet_Agent/Puppet_Agent_YUM
Download Policy:         on_demand
Ignorable Content Units: 
HTTP Proxy:              
    HTTP Proxy Policy: global_default_http_proxy
    Id:   1
    Name: Puppet Agent
GPG Key:                 

    Status:         Warning
    Last Sync Date: 4 minutes
Created:                 2024/03/19 14:32:52
Updated:                 2024/03/20 13:41:29
Content Counts:          
    Packages:       0
    Source RPMS:    0
    Package Groups: 0
    Errata:         0
    Module Streams: 0
[root@puppet ~]# hammer repository sync --id 2
[...........................................................................................................................................................................................] [100%]
No content added.
Waiting to start.
Error: An invalid remote URL was provided:

Try using the following:

Yeah this works, not intutive for me as a new user of katello since im asked if i want to restrict platform in the GUI, which i did.
And i think i should be able to just add and get all distros and versions that are not restricted by platform. This is also not clear to me if its a bug or a limitation… :slight_smile:

I believe the feature you are asking for exists and is called “Repo Discovery”, see the docs here: Managing content

I can’t say I have ever used it though, so I don’t know how well it works.

Sorry for the late reply, project was put on hold to deal with other issues.
Ive tried using “Repo discovery” and this does not work against the puppet yum repo.
Using the CentOS stream repo from the example in the documentation works so im guessing the issue is with how puppetlabs setup their YUM repo.

For now i think i will have to setup the repos per distro and version. Its not that much work, but would be nice if there was an easier way to deal with this. For DEB packages i was able to create one repo for each puppet version. This will then contain all puppet related packages for all the defined distros so im saving some clutter there.

Anyways, thanks for your suggestion!