Temporarely disable Host(BMC)

is it possible to temporary disable host or bmc for specific host. I have issue with Foreman 1.20.2 with BMC (SSH/IPMI). When the HP iLO password for ipmi changes, there is an endless loop (triggered by opening foreman web UI host properties) which tries to login to IPMI to get power state and other data. This occurs ~100k/times per hour. The only way to prevent this is to remove BMC interface in host configuration. Is there a way a disable this check/bmc communication without deleting NIC? In foreman-proxy/proxy.log it looks like this
/usr/bin/ipmitool -H XX.XX.XX.XX -U Administrator -I lanplus -f /pass_file lan print
Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session_