Trend purge

Hi all,

We are using Foreman for managing 100+ servers, (V1.1). We added a custom
fact for checking OS patch availability(how many patch available for each
nodes). Patch details (facts) are retrived using trend counter.
It working fine, but if we apply patch on the nodes tren counter will show
eg. node1
Patches available: 21
node2 & node3
Patches available 30
so it will show as

21 1
30 2

after applying patches on node1 only it will show

0 1
21 0
30 2

Is there any way we can clear the
21 0 entry, so that the facts representation will look OK other wise
lots of numbers with 0 makes report(trend counter) unusable.


Fore more information please check the attached screen shot.

Please help.