Changing host’s ContentView and Lifecycle Environment is not working via hammer and API.
Neither warning nor error message is displayed. Values remain unchanged.
Problem may be related to previous issue (introduced by multi CV) :
Expected outcome:
Host’s ContentView or Lifecycle Environment will be successfully updated using hammer and API.
Foreman and Proxy versions:
katello-4.9.1-1.el8.noarch Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Distribution and version:
RHEL 8.8
Other relevant data:
Examples of commands which are not working as expcted.
Following API call changes “comment” but not Lifecycle Environment: curl -u <user> --header “Accept:application/json” --header “Content-Type:application/json” --request PUT --data @lifecycle_env.json https://<katello_host>/api/v2/hosts/<content_host>
Currently tested on katello-4.9.2-1.el8.noarch
ContentView can’t be changed individually: “Could not update the host: Lifecycle environment must be specified”
Lifecycle Environment can’t be changed individually: “Could not update the host: Content view must be specified”
You do have to specify both now – this is by design. Content views and lifecycle environments are now assigned as a single unit, not separately. If you want to change only the CV, just specify the same LCE, and vice versa.