Unable to configure SSH BMC

Problem: Unable to figure out how to configure an SSH BMC interface for a host.

Expected outcome: Ability to use baked-in trusted SSH public key to perform reboots of hosts (without using ipmitool) through the web UI.

Foreman and Proxy versions: 1.20.1 (RHSS 6.5.1)

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version: RHEL 7.7

Other relevant data:
Having issues defining both an interface with type “interface” and another interface with type “bmc (SSH)” for the host with the same IP. The end goal is to configure a bond (with 2 members) and SSH BMC with the IP of the bond, but I haven’t had luck even with a standard interface + SSH BMC interface.

SSH BMC provider was written only for testing purposes, if you want to do proper SSH actions install Remote Execution plugin which is much more robust.