Unable to get uptime seconds through host detail api for build type are Token expired, out of sync etc.. VMs on both oVirt & VMWare provider

**Problem: Unable to get uptime seconds through host detail api for build type are “Token expired”, “out of sync” etc… VMs on both oVirt & VMWare provider but for build type is “Installed” I’m getting the response.

**Expected outcome: Should get uptime_seconds in host detail api for all host build status.

**Foreman and Proxy versions: 2.1 & 2.1.0-rc3

**Foreman and Proxy plugin versions: 2.1 & 2.1.0-rc3

**Distribution and version: CentOS v7.x86_64 & v2.1

I’m sorry but I do not understand what API endpoint are you using to get this?

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We are using /api/hosts/15-demo.xyz.com to get vm details for demo vm. In response we are looking for “uptime_seconds” parameter in the json response. I’m sharing the vm json response below: