Unable to install Foreman-katello

Problem: Unable to install foreman-katello

**Expected outcome:**Need to install foreman-katello successfully

Foreman and Proxy versions: foreman - 3.13 and katello 4.15

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

**Distribution and version:**Rocky 9.5

Other relevant data:

We are getting the below error when we try to run foreman-installer command.

2025-01-08 10:56:12 [NOTICE] [root] Loading installer configuration. This will take some time.
2025-01-08 10:56:14 [NOTICE] [root] Running installer with log based terminal output at level NOTICE.
2025-01-08 10:56:14 [NOTICE] [root] Use -l to set the terminal output log level to ERROR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, or DEBUG. See --full-help for definitions.
2025-01-08 10:56:15 [NOTICE] [checks] System checks passed
2025-01-08 10:56:21 [NOTICE] [configure] Starting system configuration.
2025-01-08 10:56:27 [NOTICE] [configure] 250 configuration steps out of 1354 steps complete.
2025-01-08 10:56:28 [NOTICE] [configure] 500 configuration steps out of 1356 steps complete.
2025-01-08 10:56:32 [NOTICE] [configure] 750 configuration steps out of 1362 steps complete.
2025-01-08 10:56:51 [NOTICE] [configure] 1000 configuration steps out of 1363 steps complete.
2025-01-08 10:56:59 [NOTICE] [configure] 1250 configuration steps out of 1363 steps complete.
2025-01-08 10:57:00 [ERROR ] [configure] Proxy Proxyserver.example.com has failed to load one or more features (Pulpcore), check /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log for configuration errors
2025-01-08 10:57:00 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Register/Foreman_smartproxy[Proxyserver.example.com]/features: change from ["Logs"] to ["Logs", "Pulpcore"] failed: Proxy Proxyserver.example.com has failed to load one or more features (Pulpcore), check /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log for configuration errors
2025-01-08 10:57:02 [NOTICE] [configure] System configuration has finished.

Error 1: Puppet Foreman_smartproxy resource 'Proxyserver.example.com' failed. Logs:
    before to Cron[puppet]
    before to Service[puppet]
    before to Service[puppet-run.timer]
    Adding autorequire relationship with Anchor[foreman::service]
    Adding autorequire relationship with Anchor[foreman::providers::oauth]
    Starting to evaluate the resource (1335 of 1363)
    Evaluated in 0.28 seconds
    Making get request to https://Proxyserver.example.com/api/v2/smart_proxies?search=name%3D%22Proxyserver.example.com%22
    Received response 200 from request to https://Proxyserver.example.com/api/v2/smart_proxies?search=name%3D%22Proxyserver.example.com%22
    Making put request to https://Proxyserver.example.com/api/v2/smart_proxies/1/refresh
    Received response 200 from request to https://Proxyserver.example.com/api/v2/smart_proxies/1/refresh
    change from ["Logs"] to ["Logs", "Pulpcore"] failed: Proxy Proxyserver.example.com has failed to load one or more features (Pulpcore), check /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log for configuration errors

Please help us on this issue. Is anyone faced this kind of error.

Without seeing the complete foreman-installer with all options, it’s hard to say.

As the error message says, more information should be in /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log

Foreman installer command which we used is as below:

foreman-installer --scenario katello \
  --foreman-db-host dbserver.example.com \
  --foreman-db-password PASSWD \
  --foreman-db-database foreman_preprod \
  --foreman-db-manage false \
  --katello-candlepin-db-host dbserver.example.com \
  --katello-candlepin-db-name candlepin \
  --katello-candlepin-db-password PASSWD \
  --katello-candlepin-manage-db false \
  --foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-manage-postgresql false \
  --foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-postgresql-host dbserver.example.com \
  --foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-postgresql-db-name pulpcore \
  --foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-postgresql-password PASSWD

error log from /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log

2025-01-08T10:40:51  [E] <OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError> SSL_accept returned=1 errno=0 state=error: unknown protocol
        /usr/share/gems/gems/webrick-1.9.0/lib/webrick/server.rb:302:in `accept'
        /usr/share/gems/gems/webrick-1.9.0/lib/webrick/server.rb:302:in `block (2 levels) in start_thread'
        /usr/share/gems/gems/webrick-1.9.0/lib/webrick/utils.rb:258:in `timeout'
        /usr/share/gems/gems/webrick-1.9.0/lib/webrick/server.rb:300:in `block in start_thread'
        /usr/share/gems/gems/logging-2.4.0/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:474:in `block in create_with_logging_context'
2025-01-08T10:40:51  [E] <OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError> SSL_accept returned=1 errno=0 state=error: unknown protocol
        /usr/share/gems/gems/webrick-1.9.0/lib/webrick/server.rb:302:in `accept'
        /usr/share/gems/gems/webrick-1.9.0/lib/webrick/server.rb:302:in `block (2 levels) in start_thread'
        /usr/share/gems/gems/webrick-1.9.0/lib/webrick/utils.rb:258:in `timeout'
        /usr/share/gems/gems/webrick-1.9.0/lib/webrick/server.rb:300:in `block in start_thread'
        /usr/share/gems/gems/logging-2.4.0/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:474:in `block in create_with_logging_context'

2025-01-08 12:02:12 [NOTICE] [configure] 1000 configuration steps out of 1363 steps complete.
2025-01-08 12:02:20 [NOTICE] [configure] 1250 configuration steps out of 1363 steps complete.
2025-01-08 12:02:21 [ERROR ] [configure] Proxy Proxyserver.example.com has failed to load one or more features (Pulpcore), check /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log for configuration errors
2025-01-08 12:02:21 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Register/Foreman_smartproxy[Proxyserver.example.com]/features: change from ["Logs"] to ["Logs", "Pulpcore"] failed: Proxy Proxyserver.example.com has failed to load one or more features (Pulpcore), check /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log for configuration errors
2025-01-08 12:02:22 [NOTICE] [configure] System configuration has finished.

Error 1: Puppet Foreman_smartproxy resource 'Proxyserver.example.com' failed. Logs:
    before to Cron[puppet]
    before to Service[puppet]
    before to Service[puppet-run.timer]
    Adding autorequire relationship with Anchor[foreman::service]
    Adding autorequire relationship with Anchor[foreman::providers::oauth]
    Starting to evaluate the resource (1335 of 1363)
    Evaluated in 0.26 seconds
    Making get request to https://Proxyserver.example.com/api/v2/smart_proxies?search=name%3D%22Proxyserver.example.com%22
    Received response 200 from request to https://Proxyserver.example.com/api/v2/smart_proxies?search=name%3D%22Proxyserver.example.com%22
    Making put request to https://Proxyserver.example.com/api/v2/smart_proxies/1/refresh
    Received response 200 from request to https://Proxyserver.example.com/api/v2/smart_proxies/1/refresh
    change from ["Logs"] to ["Logs", "Pulpcore"] failed: Proxy Proxyserver.example.com has failed to load one or more features (Pulpcore), check /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log for configuration errors

1 error was detected during installation.
Please address the errors and re-run the installer to ensure the system is properly configured.
Failing to do so is likely to result in broken functionality.

Did you follow the instructions for preparing an external database from docs? While I do not see a matching error message in the excerpt of the logs, this is a common mistake as the postgresql server is missing the required extensions (most times evr) without following the steps.