Unable to provision discovered host with bond interface

I want to provision a discovered host with network interface set, trying to create a bond interface.

Server provisioned with bond0 set

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
From foreman-rake error-fetch_log:

  • foreman-tasks 7.2.1
  • foreman_ansible 11.2.0
  • foreman_discovery 22.0.4
  • foreman_remote_execution 9.1.0
  • foreman_webhooks 3.0.5
  • katello 4.8.1

Distribution and version:
CentOS Stream 8
Other relevant data:
When I try to add interface information like:

"overwrite": "true",
             "interfaces_attributes": [
                "subnet_id": 15,
                "subnet_name": "xxxx",
                "domain_id": 21,
                "domain_name": "xxxxx",
                "created_at": "2023-08-24 21:40:35 UTC",
                "updated_at": "2023-08-24 21:40:35 UTC",
                "managed": "true",
                "identifier": "bond0",
                #"id": 5789,
                "name": "xxxx",
                "ip": "xxxxx",
                "ip6": "",
                "mac": "5c:6f:69:8e:d4:30",
                "mtu": 1500,
                "fqdn": "kvmxxxx",
                "primary": "true",
                "provision": "true",
                #"type": "bond",
                "execution": "false",
                "mode": "802.3ad",
                "attached_devices": "em3,em4",
                "bond_options": "miimon=100",
                "virtual": "true"
                "subnet_id": "",
                "subnet_name": "",
                "subnet6_id": "",
                "subnet6_name": "",
                "domain_id": "",
                "domain_name": "",
                "created_at": "2023-08-24 21:36:00 UTC",
                "updated_at": "2023-08-24 21:40:35 UTC",
                "managed": "true",
                "identifier": "eno12399np0",
                #"id": 5782,
                "name": "",
                "ip": "",
                "ip6": "",
                "mac": "5c:6f:69:8e:d4:30",
                "mtu": 1500,
                "fqdn": "",
                "primary": "false",
                "provision": "false",
                #"type": "interface",
                "execution": "false",
                "virtual": "false"
                "subnet_id": "",
                "subnet_name": "",
                "subnet6_id": "",
                "subnet6_name": "",
                "domain_id": 20,
                "domain_name": "xxxx",
                "created_at": "2023-08-24 21:36:01 UTC",
                "updated_at": "2023-08-24 21:40:35 UTC",
                "managed": "false",
                "identifier": "ipmi",
                #"id": 5788,
                "name": "",
                "ip": "xxx",
                "ip6": "",
                "mac": "xxxx",
                "mtu": "",
                "fqdn": "",
                "primary": "false",
                "provision": "false",
                #"type": "bmc",
                "execution": "false",
                "provider": "IPMI",
                "virtual": "false"

I get the error:

2023-08-28T18:48:28 [W|app|8d47333e] Not queueing Nic::Managed: ["Primary interface is already set on the host", "Provision interface is already set on the host"]
2023-08-28T18:48:28 [W|app|8d47333e] Not queueing Nic::Managed: ["Primary interface is already set on the host", "Provision interface is already set on the host"]
2023-08-28T18:48:28 [W|app|8d47333e] Not queueing Nic::Managed: ["Primary interface is already set on the host", "Provision interface is already set on the host"]
2023-08-28T18:48:28 [W|app|8d47333e] Not queueing Host::Managed: ["Primary interface is already set on the host", "Provision interface is already set on the host", "Primary interface is already set on the host", "Provision interface is already set on the host", "Mac has already been taken", "Identifier has already been taken", "Identifier has already been taken", "Identifier has already been taken", "Identifier has already been taken", "Identifier has already been taken", "Identifier has already been taken", "Identifier has already been taken", "Interfaces some interfaces are invalid"]

Is it possible to create a bond interface while provisioning a discovered host?
How can I unset the current primary interface, provision interface.
Create a bond interface?