Unable to retrieve my ubuntu 22.04 userdata

I have the iso being correctly received by the host and downloading. But it appears the target never receives the userdata file. Looking at the logs on my proxy server I see this error:

/usr/share/gems/gems/logging-2.3.1/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:474:in `block in create_with_logging_context’
2024-06-10T10:02:31 0273e244 [W] Failed to retrieve user-data userdata template for {“kind”=>“user-data”}: Error retrieving userdata/user-data for {“url”=>“http://smartproxy.com:8000”} from smartproxy.com: Net::HTTPNotFound: 404 : Proxy::Error::HttpError: Error retrieving userdata/user-data for {“url”=>“http://smartproxy.com:8000”} from smartproxy.com: Net::HTTPNotFound: 404

Expected outcome:
I expect a 404 error to not occur and the userdata to be provided to the target.
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
foreman discovery 23.0.0
foreman tasks 9.0.1
foreman_ansible 13.0.3
foreman puppet 6.2.0
foreman remote execution 12.0.5
Distribution and version:
Rocky 8.9
Other relevant data:

My templates are basically the generics. Trying to get the “basics” working before I worry about custom anything.

I have the iso being correctly received by the host and downloading. But it appears the target never receives the userdata file. Looking at the logs on my proxy server I see this error:

/usr/share/gems/gems/logging-2.3.1/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:474:in `block in create_with_logging_context'
2024-06-10T10:02:31 0273e244 [W] Failed to retrieve user-data userdata template for {"kind"=>"user-data"}: Error retrieving userdata/user-data for {"url"=>"http://smartproxy.com:8000"} from smartproxy.com: Net::HTTPNotFound: 404 : <Proxy::Error::HttpError>: Error retrieving userdata/user-data for {"url"=>"http://smartproxy.com:8000"} from smartproxy.com: Net::HTTPNotFound: 404

On the foreman server under production.log I get:

Unable to find user-data or cloud-init template for host smartproxy.com running Rocky 8.9

2024-06-10T11:28:49 [I|app|b7b7fbd0] Started GET "/userdata/user-data?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsmartproxy.com%3A8000" for at 2024-06-10 11:28:49 -0600

So what I believe is happening is that for some reason it is querying foreman for a template for my smart proxy, not for the target host.
Expected outcome:
I expect a 404 error to not occur and the userdata to be provided to the target.
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
foreman discovery 23.0.0
foreman tasks 9.0.1
foreman_ansible 13.0.3
foreman puppet 6.2.0
foreman remote execution 12.0.5
Distribution and version:
Rocky 8.9
Other relevant data:

My templates are basically the generics. Trying to get the “basics” working before I worry about custom anything.

Formatting edit

  userdata_option = "ds=nocloud-net;s=http://foreman-hostname.com/userdata/#{@host.provision_interface.mac ? @host.provision_interface.mac + '/' : ''}"

This works,
I cannot get it to work with the smart proxy