Undefined method args_for_ compute_resource_partial


the current Foreman 2.5.2 with Proxmox 6.4-9 resource fails on creating hosts with:

Failure: undefined method `args_for_compute_resource_partial’ for #<#Class:0x000055f5791f9cc0:0x000055f5888f6aa0>

Is this a know issue? My test installation (Debian 10) uses:

Foreman version: 2.5.2

  • foreman-tasks 4.1.2
  • foreman_ansible 6.3.1
  • foreman_fog_proxmox 0.13.3
  • foreman_remote_execution 4.5.1
  • foreman_templates 9.0.0

Thanks for feedback.

This appears to be Rails tests fail as plugin is using method which is removed in latest version of foreman · Issue #199 · theforeman/foreman_fog_proxmox · GitHub - @tristanrobert any updates on the issue? Anything I can do to help fix it (other than trying to make sure we properly deprecate helper functions in the future)?

Yes it is planned: #199 and I am working on it.

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Great! @ristanrobert If you need some help to test the changes let me know.

Thanks for fixing this. Will foreman_fox_proxmox 0.14.0 be available with foreman 5.2.3 instead of foreman_fog_proxmox 0.13.3 via debian apt?

It works again with Foreman 3.0.0-rc1, although ruby-foreman-fog-proxmox 0.13.3-1 is used. Thanks!