Unique Hosts in Foreman (salt)

Many duplicated hosts.

Expected outcome:
One host with a single name should not be duplicated.

Foreman and Proxy versions:

Foreman version: 3.10.0
 - foreman-tasks 9.1.1
 - foreman_default_hostgroup 7.0.0
 - foreman_kubevirt 0.1.9
 - foreman_puppet 6.2.0
 - foreman_remote_execution 13.0.0
 - foreman_salt 16.0.2
 - foreman_statistics 2.1.0
 - foreman_templates 9.4.0
 - foreman_vault 2.0.0

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:
Alma 8

Other relevant data:
I have an issue where Im getting 1000’s of duplicated hosts in foreman. Our hosts are added when a host uploads its salt grains, or a salt report. I thought foreman used hostnames for uniqueness, but apparently I must be wrong. Any idea what is causing this, and/or how to resolve it?

This is just one example of 1000s

I have the similar problem but with Puppet, not salt. Sometimes hosts duplicate but I have no reason why this is happen. These hosts have the same hostname but different ids. One host have Location, Organization, Hostgroup and other has nothing.
We don’t use Foreman for host provisioning, only as ENC for Puppet. Hosts in Foreman are creating only via API.
But in our case amount of duplicated hosts is not significant: 1-2 per 1000 hosts.

Ok thanks. Ya, same issue. Dont use it for provisioning and hosts are only created via API. I cannot for the life of me, find why they are duplicate. Same hostname, ip, mac address. I had one host duplicated 752 times. The only difference is a couple of facts (pid, system time, etc).

I disabled create hosts from facts, and left on create hosts from reports.
This is just 12 hours later…

I know the problem for hosts created with hostname instead of FQDN by (Puppet) report as they get the domain added in Foreman, they are not mapped to an existing host and always create a new host when reported. Could this be the problem here?

Hmm not sure. Can you explain further? The hosts themselves have the same shortname too.

As I am not to firm with salt I do not know which fact is used to create a host from the report, but this fact should be the FQDN and not the hostname/shortname.

Foreman will always use an FQDN for the host (in older versions there was a setting controlling this behavior, but this was removed), so a host will be created with the hostname plus the domain when a report with only the hostname is creating the host. Next report there is no matching host as there is only the host with hostname plus domain, so a new one will be created, resulting in endless duplicates.

Thanks, Ill dig into the salt code and see if I can figure out how they are creating hosts.

@Bernhard_Suttner for visibility, in case he has seen this and knows the answer.

Looks like the magic is happening somewhere in here: foreman_salt/app/services/foreman_salt/report_importer.rb at master · theforeman/foreman_salt · GitHub

This is absolutely killing us. Im having to delete 1000s of duplicated hosts every morning…

Even with “create new host on report upload” turned off, and having it create new hosts from facts turned on, it still creates duplicates.

Here is the process for uploading facts:

# frozen_string_literal: true

# This is the external nodes script to allow Salt to retrieve info about a host
# from Foreman.  It also uploads a node's grains to Foreman, if the setting is
# enabled.

require 'yaml'

settings_file = '/etc/salt/foreman.yaml'
SETTINGS = YAML.load_file(settings_file)

require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'etc'
require 'timeout'
require 'msgpack' if SETTINGS[:filecache]

  require 'json'
rescue LoadError
  # Debian packaging guidelines state to avoid needing rubygems, so
  # we only try to load it if the first require fails (for RPMs)
      require 'rubygems'
    rescue Exception
    require 'json'
  rescue LoadError
    puts 'You need the `json` gem to use the Foreman ENC script'
    # code 1 is already used below
    exit 2

def foreman_url

def valid_hostname?(hostname)
  hostname =~ /\A(([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])\z/

def get_grains(minion)
  grains = {
    :name => minion,
    :facts => plain_grains(minion).merge(:_timestamp => Time.now, :_type => 'foreman_salt')

  grains[:facts][:operatingsystem] = grains[:facts]['os']
  grains[:facts][:operatingsystemrelease] = grains[:facts]['osrelease']

rescue Exception => e
  puts "Could not get grains: #{e}"
  exit 1

def get_grains_from_filecache(minion)
  # Use the grains from the salt master's filesystem based cache
  # This requires the following settings in /etc/salt/foreman.yaml:
  # :filecache: true
  # :cachedir: "/path/to/master/cache" (default: "/var/cache/salt/master")
  # Also, the msgpack rubygem needs to be present
  cachedir = SETTINGS[:cachedir] || '/var/cache/salt/master'
  content = File.read("#{cachedir}/minions/#{minion}/data.p")
  data = MessagePack.unpack(content)

def get_grains_from_saltrun(minion)
  result = IO.popen(['salt-run', '-l', 'quiet', '--output=json', 'cache.grains', minion], &:read)
  data = JSON.parse(result)

def plain_grains(minion)
  # We have to get the grains from the cache, because the client
  # is probably running 'state.highstate' right now.

  grains = if SETTINGS[:filecache]

  raise 'No grains received from Salt master' unless grains


def plainify(hash, prefix = nil)
  result = []
  hash.each_pair do |key, value|
    case value
    when Hash
      result.push plainify(value, get_key(key, prefix))
    when Array
      result.push plainify(array_to_hash(value), get_key(key, prefix))
      new = {}
      new[get_key(key, prefix)] = value
      result.push new

def array_to_hash(array)
  new = {}
  array.each_with_index { |v, index| new[index.to_s] = v }

def get_key(key, prefix)
  [prefix, key].compact.join('::')

def upload_grains(minion)
  grains = get_grains(minion)
  uri = URI.parse("#{foreman_url}/api/hosts/facts")
  req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
  req.add_field('Accept', 'application/json,version=2')
  req.content_type = 'application/json'
  req.body         = grains
  res              = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
  res.use_ssl      = uri.scheme == 'https'
# We are not using SSL because we use a load balancer that handles it.
# But we also need to point this to https because the load balancer expects it, but
# the underlying foreman servers themselves do not.
# Thus I am commenting out the https check, so we always use https without certs

  #if res.use_ssl?
  #  if SETTINGS[:ssl_ca] && !SETTINGS[:ssl_ca].empty?
  #    res.ca_file = SETTINGS[:ssl_ca]
  #    res.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
  #  else
  #    res.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
  #  end
  #  if SETTINGS[:ssl_cert] && !SETTINGS[:ssl_cert].empty? && SETTINGS[:ssl_key] && !SETTINGS[:ssl_key].empty?
  #    res.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(SETTINGS[:ssl_cert]))
  #    res.key  = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(SETTINGS[:ssl_key]), nil)
  #  end
  #elsif SETTINGS[:username] && SETTINGS[:password]
  req.basic_auth(SETTINGS[:username], SETTINGS[:password])
  res.start { |http| http.request(req) }
rescue Exception => e
  raise "Could not send facts to Foreman: #{e}"

def enc(minion)
  url              = "#{foreman_url}/salt/node/#{minion}?format=yml"
  uri              = URI.parse(url)
  req              = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
  http             = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
  http.use_ssl     = uri.scheme == 'https'
  if http.use_ssl?
    if SETTINGS[:ssl_ca] && !SETTINGS[:ssl_ca].empty?
      http.ca_file = SETTINGS[:ssl_ca]
      http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
      http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
    if SETTINGS[:ssl_cert] && !SETTINGS[:ssl_cert].empty? && SETTINGS[:ssl_key] && !SETTINGS[:ssl_key].empty?
      http.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(SETTINGS[:ssl_cert]))
      http.key  = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(SETTINGS[:ssl_key]), nil)
  elsif SETTINGS[:username] && SETTINGS[:password]
    req.basic_auth(SETTINGS[:username], SETTINGS[:password])

  res = http.start { |conn| conn.request(req) }

  raise "Error retrieving node #{minion}: #{res.class}\nCheck Foreman's /var/log/foreman/production.log for more information." unless res.code == '200'


minion = ARGV[0] || raise('Must provide minion as an argument')

raise 'Invalid hostname' unless valid_hostname? minion

  result = ''

  if SETTINGS[:upload_grains]
    Timeout.timeout(SETTINGS[:timeout]) do

  Timeout.timeout(SETTINGS[:timeout]) do
    result = enc(minion)
  puts result
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Couldn't retrieve ENC data: #{e}"
  exit 1

Im still no\t sure why this is happening. It seems like its a pretty basic upload to foremans /api/hosts/facts end point. Im not sure this is a salt issue or a foreman issue at this point.

Hey @Jeff_Sparrow , this sounds like a really awful issue. When did this start to happen? Can you relate this to a version upgrade?

No, because 3.10.0 is the version we started with. I got the entire infrastructure up first, which looks like this:

I’ve verified redis is working/syncing, long ago. Also, it seems like its only very particular hosts that are duplicating. Even the facts are duplicating for the host:

Ive also confirmed now that it is creating a new server object even with BOTH “create host from report” and “create host from facts upload” set to off.

So one thing I did was change the following two lines:

from validate false to true. This seems to have stopped most of the duplicates. Ive gone from 1000s of new ones in the morning, to only dozens. Still trying to figure this out though.

I think I may try to add more logic to detecting if the host is new or not. Maybe do some checks on hostname, shortname, idk what else, mac address maybe.

It seems like the salt plug/project is mostly dead though since Ive made multiple issues, bugs, support requests, as well as some PRs to fix some code, but no replies or answers for 2-3 months. Guess Im on my own here.

There is at least some activity, I think Red Hat employees keep it compatible and ATIX does the maintenance. As Nadja had already commented in this thread I think they are aware and hopefully come back to you.

Oh thanks! I did not see that Nadja was part of the ATIX group.

This sounds interesting. I thought a new host shouldn’t be created if a certain settings is not on. Maybe @bastian-src you can have a look at this.

Thanks for all your help. I saw the isuses you created start of October but we hadn’t the time to have a look at them as we are currently working on other topics. But, maybe you saw Fixes #37897 - Separate autosign key generation and configuration by bastian-src · Pull Request #211 · theforeman/foreman_salt · GitHub - we are currently working on some improvements.

Hey! I’m trying to look into this. However, I couldn’t replicate the issue by now.

What Salt version are you using?

Do you use the Salt Reactor to upload the report?

Can you maybe provide a production log and salt master log when the issue occurs?

Thank you @Bernhard_Suttner and @bastian-src for the replies! Ok, so I think I have resolved this. I believe it was solved simply by changing that validate from true to false, as mentioned in the above comments.

We are currently using salt 3005.1 (upgrading to 3006 soon). Yes, I do use a reactor to upload the reports. I have also slightly modified the python upload script (but mostly just to add logging), but also since we have over 60,000 hosts, I changed the file lock to use fcntl.flock so that the OS queues up reports if it cant get a lock. I also refactored the foreman_salt/report_importer.rb for better logging. Below is what they both look like.

I did discover that using the “create host from facts upload” to True, still causes duplicate hosts to be created. I looked into the fact uploader ruby file, and do see that there is no sort of checking for existing hosts. So it could be refactored to handle checks for hosts a bit better. But Ill be leaving that setting to False.

On the other hand, I can confidently say that I no longer am seeing duplicate hosts after my changes. The only direct change I made was changing the validate from false to true. I now have “create hosts from report” to True. I let it run all weekend and I dont see a single duplicate host.

Loading production environment (Rails
irb(main):001:0> Host.group(:name).having('COUNT(*) > 1').count.each { |name, count| puts "#{name}: #{count} instances" }
=> {}
irb(main):002:0> puts Host.count
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> Host.group(:name).having('COUNT(*) > 1').count
=> {}

When I had validate left to false, I saw hosts getting duplicate on report uploads. Now, with it set to false (I cant find the exact error in the logs) but it says something like “hosts already exists” during the attempt to create the host.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Uploads reports from the Salt job cache to Foreman
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals  # Import future statements for compatibility

# Define constants for file paths
LAST_UPLOADED = '/etc/salt/foreman/last_uploaded'              # File to store the last uploaded job ID
FOREMAN_CONFIG = '/etc/salt/foreman.yaml'                      # Path to the Foreman configuration file
LOCK_FILE = '/etc/salt/foreman/salt-report-upload.lock'        # Lock file to prevent concurrent uploads

# Try importing HTTP connection classes based on Python version
    from http.client import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection    # Python 3.x
except ImportError:
    from httplib import HTTPSConnection, HTTPSConnection       # Python 2.x

import io
import ssl
import json
import yaml
import os
import sys
import base64
import fcntl
import time

# Import python libs
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # Initialize logger

# Define 'unicode' for Python 3 compatibility
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
    unicode = str

def salt_config():
    """Load and return the Foreman configuration from a YAML file."""
    with open(FOREMAN_CONFIG, 'r') as f:
        config = yaml.load(f.read())
    return config

def write_last_uploaded(last_uploaded):
    """Write the last uploaded job ID to the LAST_UPLOADED file."""
    with io.open(LAST_UPLOADED, 'w+') as f:

def upload(report):
    """Upload the report to the Foreman server."""
    log.debug("Uploading report: %s", report)
    config = salt_config()  # Load configuration settings
    headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    # We are not using SSL because we use a load balancer that handles it.
    # But we also need to point this to https because the load balancer expects it, but
    # the underlying foreman servers themselves do not.
    # Thus I am commenting out the https check, so we always use https without certs
    #if config[":proto"] == "https":
    #    ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
    #    ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile=config[":ssl_cert"], keyfile=config[":ssl_key"])
    #    if config[":ssl_ca"]:
    #        ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=config[":ssl_ca"])
    #    connection = HTTPSConnection(config[":host"], port=config[":port"], context=ctx)
    connection = HTTPSConnection(config[":host"], port=config[":port"])  # Establish HTTPS connection

    # Add basic authentication if username and password are provided
    if ":username" in config and ":password" in config:
        token = base64.b64encode(
            "{}:{}".format(config[":username"], config[":password"]).encode("utf-8")
        headers["Authorization"] = "Basic {}".format(token.decode("utf-8"))

    # Send a POST request to the Foreman API with the report
    connection.request("POST", "/salt/api/v2/jobs/upload", json.dumps(report), headers)
    response = connection.getresponse()  # Get the response from the server

    if response.status == 200:
        write_last_uploaded(report['job']['job_id'])  # Update the last uploaded job ID
        info_msg = 'Success {0}: {1}'.format(report['job']['job_id'], response.read())
        log.info(info_msg)  # Log success message
        log.error("Unable to upload job - aborting report upload")  # Log error message
        log.error(response.read())  # Log server response

def create_report(json_str):
    """Create a report dictionary from the JSON string."""
    msg = json.loads(json_str)  # Load the JSON string into a dictionary

    if msg['fun'] in ['state.highstate', 'state.apply']:
        # Handle 'state.highstate' and 'state.apply' functions
        return {'job':
                   'result': {
                     msg['id']: msg['return'],  # Map minion ID to its return data
                   'function': msg['fun'],      # Function name
                   'job_id': msg['jid']         # Job ID
    elif msg['fun'] == 'state.template_str':
        # Handle 'state.template_str' function
        for key, entry in msg['return'].items():
            if key.startswith('module_') and entry['__id__'] == 'state.highstate':
                return {'job':
                           'result': {
                             msg['id']: next(iter(entry['changes'].values())),
                           'function': 'state.highstate',
                           'job_id': msg['jid']
    raise Exception('No state.highstate or state.apply found')  # Raise exception if function is unsupported

def get_lock(minion_id, timeout=10):
    """Attempt to obtain a lock within a timeout period."""
    lock_fd = os.open(LOCK_FILE, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR)
    start_time = time.time()
    while True:
            fcntl.flock(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
            return lock_fd
        except BlockingIOError:
            elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
            if elapsed_time >= timeout:
                log.error("Unable to obtain lock after %s seconds for minion id %s.", timeout, minion_id)
                return None
            log.error("Lock is held by another process, retrying... (minion id: %s)", minion_id)

def release_lock(lock_fd):
    """Release the lock."""
    fcntl.flock(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)

def now(highstate):
    log.debug('Upload highstate to Foreman')
    lock_fd = None
        report = create_report(base64.b64decode(highstate))
        # Extract minion ID from the report
        minion_id = next(iter(report['job']['result']))
        lock_fd = get_lock(minion_id)  # Pass minion_id to get_lock
        if lock_fd:
            log.warning('Successfully uploaded report for minion id: %s', minion_id)
            log.error('Could not obtain lock, highstate not uploaded for minion id: %s', minion_id)
    except Exception as exc:
        log.error('Exception encountered for minion id %s: %s', minion_id, exc)
        if lock_fd:


[root@10-222-206-152 usr]# cat ./share/gems/gems/foreman_salt-16.0.2/app/services/foreman_salt/report_importer.rb
module ForemanSalt
  class ReportImporter
    delegate :logger, to: :Rails
    attr_reader :report

    # Define logger as a class method
    def self.logger

    def self.import(raw, proxy_id = nil)
      logger.info "Starting import with raw data: #{raw.inspect} and proxy_id: #{proxy_id}"
      raise ::Foreman::Exception, _('Invalid report') unless raw.is_a?(Hash)

      raw.map do |host, report|
        logger.debug "Processing report for host: #{host}"
        importer = ForemanSalt::ReportImporter.new(host, report, proxy_id)
        report = importer.report
        report.origin = 'Salt'
        logger.info "Report saved for host: #{host}"
    rescue => e
      logger.error "Import failed: #{e.message}"
      raise e

    def initialize(host, raw, proxy_id = nil)
      logger.debug "Initializing ReportImporter with host: #{host}, proxy_id: #{proxy_id}"
      @host = find_or_create_host(host)
      @raw = raw
      @proxy_id = proxy_id

    def import
      logger.info "Processing report for #{@host}"
      logger.debug { "Report raw data: #{@raw.inspect}" }

      if @host.new_record? && !Setting[:create_new_host_when_report_is_uploaded]
        logger.info("Skipping report for #{@host} as it's an unknown host and create_new_host_when_report_is_uploaded setting is disabled")
        return ConfigReport.new

      @host.salt_proxy_id ||= @proxy_id
      @host.last_report = start_time

      if [Array, String].include?(@raw.class)
        logger.debug "Detected failures in raw data; processing failures"
        process_failures # If Salt sends us only an array (or string), it's a list of fatal failures
        logger.debug "Processing normal report data"

      if @host.save(validate: true)
        logger.debug "Host #{@host.name} saved successfully"
        logger.warn "Host #{@host.name} failed to save: #{@host.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}"


      duration = (Time.zone.now - start_time).round(2)
      logger.info("Imported report for #{@host} in #{duration} seconds")
    rescue => e
      logger.error "Failed to import report for #{@host}: #{e.message}"
      raise e


    def find_or_create_host(host)
      logger.debug "Finding or creating host: #{host}"
      @host ||= Host::Managed.find_by(name: host)

      unless @host
        logger.info "Host not found; creating new host with name: #{host}"
        new_host = Host::Managed.new(name: host)
        if new_host.save(validate: true)
          logger.debug "New host #{host} created successfully"
          @host = new_host
          logger.error "Failed to create host #{host}: #{new_host.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}"
          raise ::Foreman::Exception, _('Failed to create host')

    rescue => e
      logger.error "Error in find_or_create_host: #{e.message}"
      raise e

    def import_log_messages
      logger.debug "Importing log messages"
      @raw.each do |resource, result|
        level = determine_log_level(result)
        source_value = resource.to_s
        source = Source.find_or_create_by(value: source_value)
        logger.debug "Log source: #{source_value}"

        message_value = extract_message(result)
        message = Message.find_or_create_by(value: message_value)
        logger.debug "Log message: #{message_value}"

        Log.create(message_id: message.id, source_id: source.id, report: @report, level: level)
        logger.debug "Log entry created with level #{level} for resource #{resource}"
    rescue => e
      logger.error "Error importing log messages: #{e.message}"
      raise e

    def calculate_metrics
      logger.debug "Calculating metrics from raw data"
      success = 0
      failed = 0
      changed = 0
      restarted = 0
      restarted_failed = 0
      pending = 0

      time = {}

      @raw.each do |resource, result|
        next unless result.is_a?(Hash)
        logger.debug "Processing resource: #{resource}"

        if result['result'] == true
          success += 1
          logger.debug "Resource #{resource} succeeded"
          if resource.match(/^service_/) && result['comment'].include?('restarted')
            restarted += 1
            logger.debug "Service #{resource} was restarted"
          elsif result['changes'].present?
            changed += 1
            logger.debug "Resource #{resource} changed"
          elsif result['pchanges'].present?
            pending += 1
            logger.debug "Resource #{resource} has pending changes"
        elsif result['result'].nil?
          pending += 1
          logger.debug "Resource #{resource} is pending"
        elsif result['result'] == false
          if resource.match(/^service_/) && result['comment'].include?('restarted')
            restarted_failed += 1
            logger.debug "Service #{resource} failed to restart"
            failed += 1
            logger.debug "Resource #{resource} failed"

        duration = parse_duration(result['duration'])
        time[resource] = duration || 0
        logger.debug "Duration for resource #{resource}: #{time[resource]} seconds"

      time[:total] = time.values.compact.sum || 0
      logger.debug "Total execution time: #{time[:total]} seconds"

      events = { total: changed + failed + restarted + restarted_failed, success: success + restarted, failure: failed + restarted_failed }
      changes = { total: changed + restarted }
      resources = {
        'total' => @raw.size,
        'applied' => changed,
        'restarted' => restarted,
        'failed' => failed,
        'failed_restarts' => restarted_failed,
        'skipped' => 0,
        'scheduled' => 0,
        'pending' => pending

      logger.debug "Metrics calculated: events=#{events}, changes=#{changes}, resources=#{resources}"

      { events: events, resources: resources, changes: changes, time: time }
    rescue => e
      logger.error "Error calculating metrics: #{e.message}"
      raise e

    def process_normal
      logger.debug "Processing normal report"
      metrics = calculate_metrics
      status = ConfigReportStatusCalculator.new(counters: metrics[:resources].slice(*::ConfigReport::METRIC)).calculate
      logger.debug "Calculated status: #{status.inspect}"

      @report = ConfigReport.new(host: @host, reported_at: start_time, status: status, metrics: metrics)
      if @report.save
        logger.debug "Report saved successfully for host #{@host.name}"
        logger.error "Failed to save report: #{@report.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}"
    rescue => e
      logger.error "Error processing normal report: #{e.message}"
      raise e

    def process_failures
      logger.debug "Processing failure report"
      @raw = [@raw] unless @raw.is_a?(Array)
      status = ConfigReportStatusCalculator.new(counters: { 'failed' => @raw.size }).calculate
      logger.debug "Calculated status for failures: #{status.inspect}"

      @report = ConfigReport.create(host: @host, reported_at: Time.zone.now, status: status, metrics: {})

      source = Source.find_or_create_by(value: 'Salt')
      @raw.each do |failure|
        message = Message.find_or_create_by(value: failure)
        Log.create(message_id: message.id, source_id: source.id, report: @report, level: :err)
        logger.debug "Logged failure message: #{failure}"
    rescue => e
      logger.error "Error processing failures: #{e.message}"
      raise e

    def start_time
      @start_time ||= Time.zone.now

    def determine_log_level(result)
      if result['changes'].blank? && result['result'] == true
      elsif result['result'] == false

    def extract_message(result)
      if result['changes'] && result['changes']['diff']
      elsif result['pchanges'] && result['pchanges']['diff']
      elsif result['comment'].present?
        'No message available'

    def parse_duration(duration)
      if duration.is_a?(String)
        duration_in_ms = duration.delete(' ms')
        Float(duration_in_ms) / 1000
        duration.to_f / 1000
      logger.warn "Unable to parse duration: #{duration}"

Thank you both for your work here. I dont know if you understand how awesome this is. With Broadcom buying out VMware, Vmware is raising its prices significantly for Saltstack UI (aka vRealize Automation Standard Plus). We have some 70,000+ salt minions/hosts we will be using in Foreman, saving us over $7.5M a year!!! So bless you both for all of this work.

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I should add, I too had an impossible time replicating this. I was never able to figure out why some hosts would be duplicated and some wouldnt. Out of around 5,400 hosts only about 6 were duplicating and everything was the same. Same hostname, FQDN, mac address, IP, literally fact by fact they were the same. So I thought the best approach was to put some guard rails on the report imported host creation, which validate true seems to have done that. If it hadnt, I would be changing the importer to look up a host through 2-3 different facts, and skip the host creation if it found one. Luckily, I dont seem to have to go that route.