this is an attempt to increase awareness of untriaged bugs. Every Monday I will be creating new thread on Discourse with untriaged new bugs from last two weeks. Spend a minute and read familiar topics, mark it triaged on RedMine if it’s a valid bug/feature and should be kept, set need more info if needed or do not hesitate politely close issues as well. Remember setting project and category correctly, consider setting priority if needed and if you think something is significant and should be pulled into a certain release, please set the target release field so we know to prioritize it properly.
If you mark an issue as triaged or close it, please mark it here as checked in this topic so others do not need to bother. This is an editable wiki. Thanks all!
- 25202 Can’t provision libvirt KVMs on a RH6 hypervisor from RH7 Foreman
- 25201 navigation to new page does not stop pending api requests on dashboard
- 25189 New searching functionality does not allow arrow keys navigation
- 25188 API hosts/X/facts still inconsistent
- 25185 Pxegrub2_chainload unable to determine disk containing /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
- 25177 Package katello client tools for SLES15
- 25176 Provisioning setup fails if subnet already created
- 25168 Add “Managed” into interface overview
- 25158 Sniff DHCP and TFTP network traffic and add them into audit
- 25134 HTML is shown in alert box
- 25126 AutoYaST templates fail to render (infinite loop, stack level too deep)
- 25104 Permissions for roles can be modified even if user does not have :edit_roles permission
- 25103 Host-Parameter get lost on puppet environment change
- 25081 No validation for image path in compute-resource image creation
- 25079 Blank slate for templates in Host show view
In case I am not available, this is how I created the list:
curl -s https://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/issues.json?query_id=144 | ruby -r json -e 'JSON.parse(STDIN.read)["issues"].each { |i| puts "* [ ] [#{i["id"]}](https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/#{i["id"]}) #{i["subject"]}" }'