spend a minute and read familiar topics please, you can help!
- 25331 for every fact import an audit record is written
- 25323 “Cores” should be reworded to “Cores per socket”
- 25313 Full multitenancy support
- 25305 Validation failed: Puppet class can’t be blank when importing puppet classes
- 25302 Missing user assigned to organization
- 25292 error foreman-installer after upgrade
- 25286 available_networks call fails on resources where it is not defined
- 25281 Unable to provision a host, if RHV resource created through CLI
- 25280 Virtual Machines tab: wrong page count
- 25279 Missing index on lookup_values table
- 25277 Listing report fails after adding default organization/location
- 25256 Pie chart has a gap on the config reports page
- 25245 Enable custom http-certs for Foreman, too
- 25241 [RFE] Add ability to pull Facts from /api/v2/hosts endpoint
- 25208 Delete button on host page does not redirect to “All Hosts” when successful
For more info about the triage process: Foreman triage process
In case I am not available, this is how I created the list:
curl -s https://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/issues.json?query_id=144 | ruby -r json -e 'JSON.parse(STDIN.read)["issues"].each { |i| puts "* [ ] [#{i["id"]}](https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/#{i["id"]}) #{i["subject"]}" }'