Updated PXE provisioning diagram

Hello, today I am updating PXE diagram we have in our manual (did you know that?)

# Use http://sequencediagram.org/ to generate image

title PXE-based provisioning with Puppet

participant User
participant "Provisioned Host" as Host
participant "Foreman" as Foreman
participant "Foreman Proxy" as Proxy
participant TFTP
participant DHCP
participant DNS
participant Pulp
participant Puppet


User->Foreman:clicks on New Host
Foreman->Proxy:requests free IP address
Proxy->DHCP:reads DHCP cofiguration
note over Foreman:pings IP
User->Foreman:clicks Submit button in the New host form
Foreman->Proxy:creates TFTP configuration
Proxy->TFTP:drops TFTP configuration file
Foreman->Proxy:OS installer boot files download command
Proxy->Pulp:downloads kernel/initram disk
Foreman->Proxy:creates DHCP reservation
Proxy->DHCP:forwards DHCP reservation
Foreman->Proxy:creates DNS records
Proxy->DNS:forwards DNS records
note over Foreman:host is created (build mode)

== Boot into OS installer ==

User->Host:powers on the machine
Host->DHCP:requests the reserved IP and PXE details
Host->TFTP:bootloader is downloaded
note over Host:bootloader loads
Host->TFTP:bootloader gets MAC-based config
Host->TFTP:downloads OS installer image/kernel
note over Host:OS installer loads
Host->Foreman:request Kickstart
note over Host:OS is installed
Host->Puppet:signs puppet client certificate (puppet agent)
Host->Foreman:turns off build mode
Foreman->Proxy:sends TFTP removal request
Proxy->TFTP:removes TFTP configuration file
note over Host:reboots

== First boot ==

Host->DHCP:requests the reserved IP and PXE details
Host->TFTP:bootloader is downloaded
Host->TFTP:bootloader gets MAC-based config
note over Host:bootloader is told to boot from HDD
Host->Puppet:sends initial facts
Puppet->Foreman:forwards initial facts
note over Host:performs initial configuration
Host->Puppet:sends initial report
Puppet->Foreman:forwards initial report
note over Host:in operation

Here it is:

Filed a PR with the changes:


Have fun!