Updating Foreman 2.2.1 to 2.3.1 and Katello 3.17.1 to 3.18 issue

are there still files in /var/lib/pulp/media/ ? I think this directory changed from either in 3.17 or 3.18 @ekohl do you remember the particulars around this? What was supposed to move those files?

They are coming into /var/lib/pulp/media now. The three repositories I repaired have the files placed into there, however, they also still seem to exist in /var/lib/pulp/docroot, as this directory size has not changed:

[root@foreman pulp]# du -sh media/
16G media/
[root@foreman pulp]# du -sh docroot/
137G docroot/

media was empty before last night and docroot was at 137G.

Repairing the CentOS 7 updates repository had this output:

Total steps: 2256/2256
Identify corrupted units: 1128/1128
Repair corrupted units: 1128/1128

in addition I have now 11400 “tmp*” files inside of /var/lib/pulp, created during the repository repair.

oh sorry, yes i meant /var/lib/pulp/docroot. That is the old location. It sounds like the app was reconfigured to serve from /var/lib/pulp/media/, but the files weren’t moved. Will chat with @ekohl when i get a chance. (Probably after the new year though)

The files left in /tmp/ kinda sounds like a pulp bug, it sounds familiar but i couldn’t find an existing issue. Those should be safe to delete now. Probably worth filing an issue at pulp.plan.io for that.

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Thanks Justin, I will check on that. Looking forward to hear from Ewoud.

I wrote about the installation layout in our Puppet module since upstream this was undocumented. Looking at it now, I also see I missed one thing (Correct directory tree in README by ekohl ¡ Pull Request #159 ¡ theforeman/puppet-pulpcore ¡ GitHub).

Note that this layout was only applied since puppet-pulpcore 2.0.0. You can check this in /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/pulpcore/metadata.json yourself. This is shipped since Foreman 2.3, which maps to 3.18. I also wrote a migration that’s supposed to migrate the directory layout:

It looks like I followed the upstream paths rather than our own paths. That is a major upgrade bug.

Some backstory: initially there was really no standard deployment layout and our layout was different than upstream. Obviously this is undesirable so over the past months I pushed for a standard that works well for our use case. https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/pull/799 is not yet merged, but there is at least an approval that it’s the correct layout. This is also part of the SELinux policy.

I opened an untested PR but my working day is not that long so it’ll likely not see progress until the new year.

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Thank you very much for your deep analysis Ewoud!

Of course that make a lot of sense and in my case the data was not migrated.
However, the path also looks off to me:
/var/lib/pulp/artifact does not exist on my system, it is in /var/lib/pulp/docroot/artifact.
So even if the post hook would have worked, it wouldn’t have migrated anything.

So I assume I can safely continue with the repair of the repositories, as this seems to download the data again into the new standard path /var/lib/pulp/media/.
Edit: I checked the PR and there you clearly mention docroot as the legacy path, so I think this would be correctly working.

Can I assist in anything? Unfortunately, I don’t have a snapshot of the Foreman 2.2 before the migration to 2.3…

Interesting, every time I am running “yum update” now, it wants to install the katello-agent. I found the following there rpms, which got installed during Katello’s initial install and have now removed them, to avoid getting katello-agent:

  • pulp-consumer-client
  • python-pulp-agent-lib
  • pulp-rpm-handlers

I tried to repair my repositories. Most I could, some I had to recreate because they failed during the repair with “too many open files”. I tried to set the ulimit -n to 500000, still showing the error. I saw its fixed in pulp upstream, version 3.9, we are on 3.7, so it will not help.

I raised another support issue in here regarding the repair not building the metadata and aborting when not finding files upstream. It was really not an easy process, wished for it to be more of a real “repair”.

Only one repo left which even after a recreate doesn’t find all files, weird though. I am working on that one now.

I second that - deleted a repo, re-created it and again, packages are all missing.
Also, again a repair results in too many open files - if my analysis about the 256 directories (00…ff) is correct, that was to be expected maybe.
Conclusion: we’re fully blocked after the 3.18 upgrade (which was supposed to fix a smart proxy sync issue …) and getting a few hundred engineers complaining about not being able to yum update/install some needed package(s) … help …

As a work around, on a running system, you can run this to adjust the open files for the running process higher:

for i in `ps axu | grep "^pulp" | awk '{print $2}'`; do sudo prlimit -n8192 -p $i; done

Isn’t that what pgrep is for? Any time you use ps | grep you should be thinking about pgrep.

sure, you can probably use pgrep. It’s short hand. So many ways to do it, they are all correct. The point being not how you get there, but the fact that you get there.

I believe I am running into this same issue. When I try to sync Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream RPMs 8 I get this error.

I believe it has to do with filing being /var/lib/pulp/docroot and /var/lib/pulp/media

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/pulp/media/artifact/c6/ad96d3b545d1d24026446a88eb660b31d49827d5d0b66dc33b412ce7a3da54’Error message: the server returns an error
HTTP status code: 400
Response headers: {“date”=>“Tue, 09 Feb 2021 22:31:53 GMT”, “server”=>“gunicorn/20.0.4”, “content-type”=>“application/json”, “vary”=>“Accept,Cookie”, “allow”=>“GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS”, “x-frame-options”=>“SAMEORIGIN”, “content-length”=>“62”, “via”=>“1.1 puppetmaster-prod-01”, “connection”=>“close”}
Response body: {“publication”:[“Invalid hyperlink - Object does not exist.”]}[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/pulp/media/artifact/c6/ad96d3b545d1d24026446a88eb660b31d49827d5d0b66dc33b412ce7a3da54’Error message: the server returns an error
HTTP status code: 400
Response headers: {“date”=>“Tue, 09 Feb 2021 22:35:23 GMT”, “server”=>“gunicorn/20.0.4”, “content-type”=>“application/json”, “vary”=>“Accept,Cookie”, “allow”=>“GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS”, “x-frame-options”=>“SAMEORIGIN”, “content-length”=>“62”, “via”=>“1.1 puppetmaster-prod-01”, “connection”=>“close”}
Response body: {“publication”:[“Invalid hyperlink - Object does not exist.”]}

katello 3.18-rc1

Distribution and version:
RHEL 7.9

You do. For me there was no real solutions, but a lot of try and errors. I had to repair all repositories (products->repo->validate), which unfortunately failed for some. The repair is not really a repair, if it doesn’t find a local file it just aborts. So for a few repos I had to create a new one and download everything again. EPEL gave me the most headaches.