Upgrade Step 1/3: katello:correct_repositories stalls with no output

I’m trying to upgrade a neglected install from 1.23.2 / 3.13.4. I’m doing one version at a time as that’s the best advice I can find. https://downloads.theforeman.org/documentation-archive/katello/katello_3.14_manual.pdf

I had one issue with qpid-proton and got the installers to finish using…
yum update -x qpid-proton-c,qpid-dispatch-router

When running the foreman-installer --scenario katello --upgrade I get to the update of a series of repos…

Upgrade Step 1/3: katello:correct_repositories. This may take a long while.
Processing Repository 1/215: CentOS7Base (1)
Processing Repository 2/215: CentOS7EPEL (2)
Processing Repository 166/215: k8s-etcd (175)
Processing Repository 167/215: k8s-pause (176)
Processing Repository 168/215: Rsyslog8 (177)

and it just stops. The foreman-installer/katello.log is stopped just the same. No errors I can find.

I’ve tried restarting the process and it lands at the same place.

Expected outcome:
foreman-installer --scenario katello --upgrade completes with no errors or errors reported.

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 1.23.2 Katello 3.13.4
Foreman 1.24.3 Katello 3.14.1

Turns out, screen was my frenemy here. Was running the process in screen to help with long running bits, but then started a scollback and never exited it. The log and display were stalled for 2 hours, but it did eventually finish in the logs.