Upgrading to 3.11 and beyond results in unusable Web UI

Problem: Upgrading Foreman to 3.11.x results in the WebUI seemingly not being able to retrieve most forms of data.

Expected outcome: Upgrading from 3.10 should result in a fully functional system.

Foreman and Proxy versions: 3.9.3/

Distribution and version: RHEL 8.10

Other relevant data: Logs to be re-aggregated.

The system in question has been reset to 3.9.3 via snapshot, but I am currently trying to bring our systems back into a supported release cycle (was planning to go to 3.12/4.14). I made numerous attempts to do so on a fully up-do-date system, however every time I make the bump from 3.10 to 3.11 the system ends up in a bugged state. Using hammer on the host seems mostly okay, though very delayed in responses. The WebUI on the other hand is full of endless loading icons, from the default dashboard page to content, tasks, and content pages.

foreman-maintain health check and foreman-maintain service status all return green after upgrading. I’ve followed the documentation on the upgrade verbatim (though I do have to manually patch katello-certs-check after the package updates and before running foreman-installer (L160?) to remove the OpenSSL 3.x-only flags.

I’ve marked logs here as TBD as I will need to rerun the entire chain of upgrades once again.

Has anyone else run into this issue by chance?

Hi, did you try shift + F5 in the browser or to clean browser’s history and cookies ?

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Yes. Eliminating the browser cache and cookies was performed after each upgrade, plus anytime things seemed off. This included a complete restart of the browser.

To debug this it’ll be good to know firstly if anything odd is popping up in /var/log/foreman/production.log

Also, it would be helpful if there are any JS issues – you can right click the page and hit “Inspect” → Console tab to find them. Some may be unhelpful, but it’s worth checking.

The delayed hammer responses is concerning, though. Do you have any custom configuration with regards to performance tuning?

At the end of December I incrementally upgraded all the way from 3.9.3 to 3.12.1. There may have been some network shenanigans but the issue I highlighted isn’t happening. Either than or the extra manual steps I added into the the upgrade path (particularly around the database update requirement) helped smooth things out. On my corporate device this issue never showed to my knowledge, it was just my personal system that was using my corporate machine as a SOCKS proxy for the browser.

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