Using Short Host Names with Puppet

Greetings, I have been struggling with this for a while. I use foreman to
provision but NOT ENC. Foreman sets the short host name in the puppet.conf
for a new VM. Foreman also is set to use_short_name_for_vms.

After the provision, 3 host entries are created:

  • short name
  • FQDN.1 (using the private network interface)
  • FQDN.2 (using a different network interface) — this is the only one
    that gets reports from puppet

What do I need to change to force foreman to use ONLY the short host name?

Additional Details
I am also using the external_node_v2.rb and foreman-report_v2.rb on my
puppet server

From external_node_v2.rb
" hostname = puppet_facts['values']['fqdn'] || certname"
Which seems that it will always get the long FQDN from puppet

I don't see any traces of fqdn in foreman-report

I want to use the short host name is that puppet also manages the
puppet.conf. Puppet would have no way of knowing which FQDN foreman choose
to use*. S*o it seems that the cleanest and best solution for me is to use
hostname not to mention, having FQDN's really muddies the UI.

> Greetings, I have been struggling with this for a while. I use foreman to
> provision but NOT ENC. Foreman sets the short host name in the puppet.conf
> for a new VM. Foreman also is set to use_short_name_for_vms.

To clarify, the shortname is used for the certname in puppet.conf?

> After the provision, 3 host entries are created:
> - short name
> - FQDN.1 (using the private network interface)
> - FQDN.2 (using a different network interface) — this is the only
> one that gets reports from puppet
> What do I need to change to force foreman to use ONLY the short host name?

That's immediately after provisioning, with zero puppet runs so far? I'd
find that pretty odd, even accounting for weirdness in the puppet importer.

> Additional Details
> I am also using the external_node_v2.rb and foreman-report_v2.rb on my
> puppet server
> From external_node_v2.rb
> " hostname = puppet_facts['values']['fqdn'] || certname"
> Which seems that it will always get the long FQDN from puppet

External_node is the script for fetching the enc data - its
foreman_report.rb that handles the upload. In that file, we use the host
object as Puppet holds it, which should be via the certname.

Could you enable debug logging and then tail
/var/log/foreman/production.log while a report is being upload? It should
give more info about what's happening

··· On 13 April 2016 at 03:05, Michael Speth wrote:

I have 'fixed' my problem by doing the following:

  • Set the cert name to the in puppet.conf provisioning template
  • Set the hostname to short name (so that I can still use short
    hostnames in hiera)
  • Add long and short hostname in /etc/hosts (foreman template) — IE hostname
  • Changed certname in puppet agent module
    <> that manages
    puppet.conf to append the FQDN to short hostname

So this was the problem with Foreman 1.10.

I just upgraded to Foreman 1.11 hoping this would fix the problem. But it
introduced a new problem.

On provision, PuppetCA autosign is using the FQDN instead of the short host
name. So when puppet run on the client, it's cert doesn't get
automatically added! So I can't troubleshoot the previous error until I
get this one fixed.