Using template plugin import removes templates associations

Hi Everyone,

Foreman 3.8.0
I’m using Foreman Templates plugin, editing and importing templates from Gitlab repository works fine.
After changes in the template, import works well, except I need to assign it to the Operating System, Locations and Organization manually. It completely wipes out all associations.
Does anyone know what might be the reason?

This is what metadata I have in the template:

name: Prefix Preseed default
description: "Default description."
snippet: false
model: ProvisioningTemplate
kind: provision
os_family: Debian
- Debian
- My Organization

These are my “Template Sync” settings:

That’s the link I’m using to import templates from Gitlab:

"curl -H 'Accept:application/json,version=2' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -u svc-foreman:$SVC_FOREMAN_PASS -k https://vforeman01/api/v2/templates/import -X POST -d '{ \"force\": \"true\" }' | json_pp"

It seems like this is the matter of permissions for the user I’m using for a sync. I haven’t found a manual for that in the plugin documentation.
Is anyone able to provide information, what roles I need to use to make assignment working properly?