Warning: Flot charts are going away!

This is a final notice for plugin maintainers, that are still using flot charts.

In the next Foreman release, the flot charts will not be provided anymore.

List of deprecated and removed features:

  • charts javascript file - our enhancements to flot charts, this file will error out when included manually, please stop doing so, or copy it into your plugin assets
  • all the flot charts and the whole library, if you need continue using it (first thing really hard if you really do), include it in your plugin’s asset pipeline.
  • flot_chart - please use AreaChart React component https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/8522 this deprecated function will render AreaChart automatically, with default setting, but you should not relly on that.
  • flot_pie_chart - this will render PieChart component, but move to rendering it directly
  • flot_bar_chart - this is going to render BarChart component, but please move to rendering it directly