Hi, what is the official page with the latest release information for the katello?
Foreman :: Plugin documentation index lists version 4.0 as the latest and redirects to https://docs.theforeman.org
I see 4.2 announcement for GA, but changelog file katello/CHANGELOG.md at KATELLO-4.2 · Katello/katello · GitHub indicates it is still ‘Alfalfa’
January 10, 2022, 4:18pm
Hey @vchepkov - we announce all the latest releases here.
4.2 is long released, and is the latest version, and 4.3 is imminent!
We need to fix some things, I see! Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
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@mcorr @vchepkov
A quick update: the gem for 4.3 is released and in the hands of the delivery folks, once they do their magic it will get pushed up to the repos and I will make the announcement.
January 18, 2022, 12:30pm
Just a last clarification on what should be the last confusing part here: “Alfalfa” is the Releasename of 4.2 (like Ubuntu and their animal names or Debian and their Toy Story names). IIRC, Katello releases used to be named after different kinds of beer, but it seems to have shifted to a more general “food” theme and a lot of recent releases look like they either did not get a name or it was at least not mentioned in the Changelog.
From a quick google search: “Alfalfa” is the name of some kind of clover that some people eat
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January 18, 2022, 12:44pm
recent releases
I think Katello 4.3 is “Ghost Pepper”
This might be a sign that we haven’t been able to get to the pub for a while?!
January 18, 2022, 12:56pm
FYI: the 4.3.0 release process that was linked earlier was actually for the RCs, not GA. Here’s the GA one. It’s currently blocked in the upgrade pipelines on a bug.
Release Owner: @cintrix84
Release Engineer: @Odilhao
When Ready to Release
Release Owner
Request Hammer CLI Katello release from maintainers
Request Virt Who Configure release from maintainers
Request any other releases as needed from the release owners (consult the :repos: section of configs/katello/4.3.yaml)
Change Redmine version 4.3.0 state to Closed
Do Cherry-picks: Clone tool_belt
If any minor versions of Katello have been added to Redmine since the last…
Any idea of the pipeline bug resolution?
And sort of as a sideways FYI: the tfm-rubygem-qpid_proton dependency issue has arisen again.
Error: Package: tfm-rubygem-qpid_proton-0.35.0-1.el7.x86_64 (@katello )
Requires: qpid-proton-c = 0.35.0
Removing: qpid-proton-c-0.35.0-1.el7.x86_64 (@epel )
qpid-proton-c = 0.35.0-1.el7
Updated By: qpid-proton-c-0.36.0-1.el7.x86_64 (epel)
qpid-proton-c = 0.36.0-1.el7
Available: qpid-proton-c-0.14.0-2.el7.x86_64 (extras)
qpid-proton-c = 0.14.0-2.el7
January 20, 2022, 3:44pm
This was discussed in the last release meeting:
Meeting Minutes
@ekohl posted the agenda for release 17th January release meeting however meeting did not happen. Below is summary of 17th January and today’s agenda,
The branching process has posted. @ekohl agreed to check stuff required closure in installer and installer modules as redmine lookup does not show anything is pending.
Considering to release 3.1.1 as priority over 3.0.2 to unblock the Katello 4.3 .
The release is planned on 25th January.
Most of the che…
A Foreman 3.1.1 release is planned for early next week:
Make this post a wiki
Release Owner: @upadhyeammit
Release Engineer: @Odilhao
Installer Maintainer: @
Manual updates: 2022-01-25
Release Engineer
Update manual if applicable for any additional installation steps
Update release notes section in the manual:
Release notes: bullet point list by category of all changes, include link to bug numbers. You can auto-generate changes using the release notes script .
CLI release notes are taken from the hammer-cli and hammer-cli-forema…
Indeed, we also noticed that in nightly.
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