Can’t push updates to content hosts
Expected outcome:
Be able to push updates to content hosts
Foreman and Proxy versions:
foreman 1.23
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
katello 3.13
Distribution and version:
Katello-Foreman on Centos 7
Content host on Fedora 30
Other relevant data:
On the content host have the following installed:
katello-ca-consumer-… package
python3-gofer (same version)
Based on what I’ve googled - I checked and the CPU doesn’t spike (saw that as a reason for the 20 second issue)
Also, I’ve tried turning off SELinux and the firewall.
They’re both VMs (they can reach each other - the host is providing puppet feedback to Katello-Foreman) so I tried turning off firewall and VM on the host: no change.
The only thing that looks like maybe it could point to some kind of symptom:
[WARNING][MainThread] gofer.agent.plugin:642 - plugin:demo, DISABLED
Shows up in the systemctl status for goferd. Everything else looks like it should be good:
Dec 01 10:14:28 redyoshi.mushroomkingdom systemd[1]: Started Gofer Agent.
Dec 01 10:14:29 redyoshi.mushroomkingdom goferd[847]: [WARNING][MainThread] gofer.agent.plugin:642 - plugin:demo, DISABLED
Dec 01 10:14:29 redyoshi.mushroomkingdom goferd[847]: [INFO][Thread-1] - Using: /var/lib/gofer/messaging/pending/demo
Dec 01 10:14:29 redyoshi.mushroomkingdom goferd[847]: [INFO][Thread-2] - Using: /var/lib/gofer/messaging/pending/katello
Dec 01 10:14:30 redyoshi.mushroomkingdom goferd[847]: [INFO][MainThread] gofer.agent.plugin:687 - plugin:katello loaded using: katello.agent.goferd.plugin
Dec 01 10:14:35 redyoshi.mushroomkingdom goferd[847]: [INFO][MainThread] katello.agent.goferd.plugin:162 - Using /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-default-ca.pem as the ca cert for qpid connection
Dec 01 10:14:35 redyoshi.mushroomkingdom goferd[847]: [INFO][MainThread] gofer.agent.main:87 - agent started.
And in Katello-Foreman I can see the packages, errata, etc that need to be applied.
Ideas? Been trying various things for about 2 hours now, but it seems that each person I google has an idiosyncratic issue going on that doesn’t apply to my situation.