Where to find the default login info if it doesn't display after a Katello/Foreman installation

I followed the installation instructions as listed here for CentOS (Foreman :: Plugin Manuals). After the Foreman installation the login credentials were not displayed. I was able to find the initial_admin_password here:


initial_admin_username: admin
initial_admin_password: vUerA7dnSXj358fL

The password will of course be different for your particular installation…



You can also use foreman-rake permissions:reset to reset the password at any time. You can calso pass it a username or password parameter if needed, e.g.:
foreman-rake permissions:reset username=greg password=1234
(though keep in mind this should only be used for internal admin users, as it will reset the authentication source and set the user to be admin)


You should also be able to rerun “foreman-installer” and it will output the username and password when it finishes.

great thanks

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