We are using foreman for deploying our infra for few years. also developed script to update Host DNS records during provisioning. I know its using NSUPDATE to update hosts A & PTR records part provisiong. But not entirely sure how this works? How foreman-proxy connects with Infoblox and update DNS records. Seeing lot DNS & NSUPDATE API modules but not clearly know how this actually works. Now we are migrating infoblox so want to see how this authentication happen b/w foreman and Infoblox? can someone shed some light on this pls.
We are using 1.24 version
We created dns updated script and updated it in repo. so its picking while host is getting deployed and registering in DNS (infoblox). also seeing PTR records are not creating in one Site(on one of the foreman server - other one is working fine). May I know where can I find the logs for these?
Thank you