Why is foreman-installer almost stalled?

Problem: foreman-installer is almost stalled.

OS: debian 11.7

Mon 22 May 2023 05:23:59 PM HKT
root@debian1107:/var# tail /var/log/foreman-installer/foreman.log
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Class[Foreman::Plugin::Puppet]: Starting to evaluate the resource (78 of 1377)
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Class[Foreman::Plugin::Puppet]: Evaluated in 0.00 seconds
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Class[Foreman::Install]: Starting to evaluate the resource (79 of 1377)
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Class[Foreman::Install]: Evaluated in 0.00 seconds
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Prefetching apt resources for package
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n''
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/apt-mark showmanual'
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] /Package[foreman-postgresql]: Starting to evaluate the resource (80 of 1377)
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n' foreman-postgresql'
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install foreman-postgresql'

I installed the software very fast and had no problems with the network.
The last execution took over two hours from the start of foreman-installer to the end of the run.

This is the start time:

2023-05-22 16:32:48 [NOTICE] [root] Loading installer configuration. This will take some time.
2023-05-22 16:32:53 [NOTICE] [root] Running installer with log based terminal output at level NOTICE.
2023-05-22 16:32:53 [NOTICE] [root] Use -l to set the terminal output log level to ERROR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, or DEBUG. See --full-help for definitions.
2023-05-22 16:32:55 [NOTICE] [configure] Starting system configuration.

foreman installer version: 3.6.1
OS: debian 11.7

2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] /Package[foreman-postgresql]: Starting to evaluate the resource (80 of 1377)
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n' foreman-postgresql'
2023-05-22 16:33:06 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install foreman-postgresql'
2023-05-22 17:44:35 [INFO  ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Foreman::Install/Package[foreman-postgresql]/ensure: created
2023-05-22 17:44:35 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/apt-mark manual foreman-postgresql'
2023-05-22 17:44:35 [DEBUG ] [configure] /Package[foreman-postgresql]: The container Class[Foreman::Install] will propagate my refresh event
2023-05-22 17:44:35 [DEBUG ] [configure] /Package[foreman-postgresql]: Evaluated in 4289.17 seconds
2023-05-22 17:44:35 [DEBUG ] [configure] /Package[foreman-service]: Starting to evaluate the resource (81 of 1377)
2023-05-22 17:44:35 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n' foreman-service'
2023-05-22 17:44:35 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install foreman-service'
2023-05-22 17:44:54 [INFO  ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Foreman::Install/Package[foreman-service]/ensure: created
2023-05-22 17:44:54 [DEBUG ] [configure] Executing: '/usr/bin/apt-mark manual foreman-service'