CentOS 8 subscriber not receiving all entitlements via subscription-manager

With a previous version of Foreman, I was only able to access one repository per product.

It was then suggested that I upgrade due to the number of updates to pulp, Foreman, etc. So, I built a new host with a fresh install of Foreman+Katello (no data was migrated); I configured Foreman as I had previously with success until my aforementioned encounter with 1.24. I subscribed my CentOS 8 Content Host and discovered all repos but one are available.

I have seven repositories, three of which are CentOS 8:

  • PowerTools
  • AppStream
  • BaseOS

When I run subscription-manager repos --list , only the BaseOS repo is missing. I have validated the repo is syncing, has content, is published in the Content View, and that the Content Host has access to said repo. In checking the repository configurations, I noticed they all have “ Architecture: Default ”.

However, when analyzing the JSON returned by wget --certificate=/etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem --private-key=/etc/pki/consumer/key.pem https://foreman.mydomain.com/rhsm/consumers/d2579e09-f65c-4c26-9573-a41b665bc599 , I noticed that the BaseOS repo has arches : x86_64 in the array. The six repos that are showing as available via subscription-manager have arches : null in their arrays.

I have tried to set and reset the Architecture setting for the repos, but it doesn’t appear to have any effect and the issue remains that BaseOS is unavailable. I also noticed the entitlement certificate that subscription-manager receives doesn’t appear to have the BaseOS repo listed.

It would appear something is not right in how data is being provided to subscription-manager .

# rct cat-cert /etc/pki/entitlement/3288316626973312046.pem

	Entitlement Certificate

	Path: /etc/pki/entitlement/3288316626973312046.pem
	Version: 3.4
	Serial: 3288316626973312046
	Start Date: 2020-10-21 14:54:49+00:00
	End Date: 2049-12-01 00:00:00+00:00
	Pool ID: 8a9084ac754b9a7a01754ba7cceb0003

	CN: 2d28efe990c4448094f80eeca504fa84
	O: My_Awesome_Org

	C: US
	CN: foreman-client.mydomain.com
	L: My City
	O: My Awesome Org
	OU: Infrastructure
	ST: My State

	ID: 927803325001
	Name: CentOS
	Arch: ALL
	Brand Type: 
	Brand Name: 

	Name: CentOS
	SKU: 927803325001
	Service Type: 
	Service Level: 
	Quantity: Unlimited
	Quantity Used: 1
	Socket Limit: 
	RAM Limit: 
	Core Limit: 
	Virt Only: False
	Stacking ID: 
	Warning Period: 0
	Provides Management: False

Authorized Content URLs:

	Type: yum
	Name: 8 - AppStream
	Label: My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_AppStream
	Vendor: Custom
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/CentOS/8_-_AppStream
	GPG: ../../katello/api/v2/repositories/3/gpg_key_content
	Enabled: True
	Expires: 1
	Required Tags: 
	Arches: ALL

	Type: yum
	Name: 8 - PowerTools
	Label: My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_PowerTools
	Vendor: Custom
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/CentOS/8_-_PowerTools
	GPG: ../../katello/api/v2/repositories/5/gpg_key_content
	Enabled: True
	Expires: 1
	Required Tags: 
	Arches: ALL

Again, I’ve verified the Activation Key, Lifecycle Environment, and Content View are all properly configured (and published). I’ve verified the Content Host shows in Foreman as having access to the BaseOS repo. However, subscription-manager and the data it receives from the /rhsm endpoint on the Foreman host are reporting different.

Currently, this only appears to affect CentOS 8. I have not tested any of my CentOS 7, RHEL 7, or RHEL 8 hosts yet.

Most gracious thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

Version information I forgot to provide:

[sysadmin@foreman ~]$ hammer status
Version:           2.1.4
API Version:       v2
    Status:          ok
    Server Response: Duration: 0ms
 1) Name:    foreman-tasks
    Version: 2.0.2
 2) Name:    foreman_ansible
    Version: 5.1.3
 3) Name:    foreman_remote_execution
    Version: 3.3.7
 4) Name:    katello
Smart Proxies:     
 1) Name:     foreman.mydomain.com
    Version:  2.1.4
    Status:   ok
     1) Name:    pulp
        Version: 2.1.0
     2) Name:    templates
        Version: 2.1.4
     3) Name:    tftp
        Version: 2.1.4
     4) Name:    logs
        Version: 2.1.4
     5) Name:    httpboot
        Version: 2.1.4
Compute Resources: 

    Status:          ok
    Server Response: Duration: 21ms
    Status:          ok
    message:         3 Processed, 0 Failed
    Server Response: Duration: 0ms
    Status:          ok
    Server Response: Duration: 19ms
    Status:          ok
    message:         8 Processed, 0 Failed
    Server Response: Duration: 0ms
    Status:          ok
    Server Response: Duration: 65ms
    Status:          ok
    Server Response: Duration: 24ms
    Status:          ok
    Server Response: Duration: 3ms

[sysadmin@foreman ~]$ 

Hi @caitslinux

Are there any other certs in /etc/pki/entitlement?

Let’s try running subscription-manager refresh.

Is subscription-manager repos the same after this?

@jeremylenz, thanks for the reply.

Yes, all the certs for all the repos listed in subscription-manager repos exist in /etc/pki/entitlement. The only caveat is that the entitlement certificate for the CentOS repos is missing BaseOS.

Running subscription-manager refresh does not make a difference. For what it’s worth, I have even tried subscription-manager unregister; subscription-manager clean, deleted the Content Host from Foreman, then proceeded to re-register the host. Each time results in the same behavior … the BaseOS repo does not appear at all when running subscription-manager repos.

[root@centos8 ~]# cd /etc/pki/entitlement
[root@centos8 entitlement]# for f in $(ls -1 *.pem | egrep -v 'key'); do echo -e "\nCERTIFICATE: ${f}"; rct cat-cert $f | egrep 'URL'; done

CERTIFICATE: 2483693412180338111.pem
Authorized Content URLs:
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/CentOS/8_-_AppStream
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/CentOS/8_-_PowerTools

CERTIFICATE: 2766664529660945773.pem
Authorized Content URLs:
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/OCS_Inventory/EL8

CERTIFICATE: 7524887246926600779.pem
Authorized Content URLs:
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/EPEL/EPEL8

CERTIFICATE: 8508554808470955845.pem
Authorized Content URLs:
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/CrowdStrike/EL8
[root@centos8 entitlement]# 

If I query candlepin (/rhsm) directly, it returns a JSON array of data and has BaseOS listed as an available repository. Why any of this is ignored by subscription-manager, I don’t know.

        "content": {
          "created": "2020-10-21T14:57:07+0000",
          "updated": "2020-10-30T14:31:25+0000",
          "uuid": "8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b841ffa",
          "id": "1603292227268",
          "type": "yum",
          "label": "My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_PowerTools",
          "name": "8 - PowerTools",
          "vendor": "Custom",
          "contentUrl": "/custom/CentOS/8_-_PowerTools",
          "requiredTags": null,
          "gpgUrl": "../../katello/api/v2/repositories/5/gpg_key_content",
          "modifiedProductIds": [],
          "arches": null,
          "requiredProductIds": [],
          "metadataExpire": 1,
          "releaseVer": null
        "enabled": null
        "content": {
          "created": "2020-10-21T14:57:03+0000",
          "updated": "2020-11-03T19:11:49+0000",
          "uuid": "8a9084ac754b9a7a01758f85c2a72445",
          "id": "1603292223082",
          "type": "yum",
          "label": "My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_BaseOS",
          "name": "8 - BaseOS",
          "vendor": "Custom",
          "contentUrl": "/custom/CentOS/8_-_BaseOS",
          "requiredTags": null,
          "gpgUrl": "../../katello/api/v2/repositories/4/gpg_key_content",
          "modifiedProductIds": [],
          "arches": "x86_64",
          "requiredProductIds": [],
          "metadataExpire": 1,
          "releaseVer": null
        "enabled": null
        "content": {
          "created": "2020-10-21T14:56:58+0000",
          "updated": "2020-10-30T14:31:25+0000",
          "uuid": "8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b611ff5",
          "id": "1603292218870",
          "type": "yum",
          "label": "My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_AppStream",
          "name": "8 - AppStream",
          "vendor": "Custom",
          "contentUrl": "/custom/CentOS/8_-_AppStream",
          "requiredTags": null,
          "gpgUrl": "../../katello/api/v2/repositories/3/gpg_key_content",
          "modifiedProductIds": [],
          "arches": null,
          "requiredProductIds": [],
          "metadataExpire": 1,
          "releaseVer": null
        "enabled": null

What does it say for subscription-manager facts | grep architecture ?

@jeremylenz Here is the output:

[root@centos8 ~]# subscription-manager facts | grep architecture
lscpu.architecture: x86_64
[root@centos8 ~]# 

ok, so it seems the architecture matches and that shouldn’t be a blocker. hmm…

It seems like it’s acting as if the subscription isn’t attached to the host.

Could you check these:

  1. make sure the subscription to that product was reattached after re-registration, and appears in Content Hosts -> details -> Subscriptions -> List/Remove
  2. make sure the repo appears as enabled in Content Hosts -> details -> Repository Sets
  3. if anything needed a change, run subscription-manager refresh

Thanks, @jeremylenz. I’ve done as you asked and verified all subscriptions appear as attached to the Content Host.

I confirmed all applicable repos are Enabled under Repository Sets.

No changes were made, so I didn’t run subscription-manager refresh.

Needless to say, the issue still persists. :slight_smile:

make sure the repo is in your content view. Content Views -> “Content Name” -> Yum Content

Click the “Limit to Lifecycle Environment” checkbox on that page to see what’s available in the current LE.

Or use hammer on the foreman server:

# hammer host subscription product-content --host=centos8.example.com --content-access-mode-env=1

@stephenc I have confirmed that the Repo is listed in Yum Content for the Content View.

@gvde Enabling that option simply removes the repos that are disabled by the Activation Key. I did a subscription-manager refresh after making that change, but as far as subscription-manager is concerned, nothing has changed.

1 Like

If the subscription is properly attached, the system should have an entitlement certificate on it for BaseOS. If it does, could you share that rct cat-cert output here?

If not, refresh the entitlement certificates and check again. (If you’re on an older version of sub-man, it may require the --force option):

subscription-manager refresh --force

If it says unknown option: force then just subscription-manager refresh should do it.

After this is complete, one of the certificates in /etc/pki/entitlement should reference the BaseOS content. If you do, I’d like to confirm that it doesn’t have any requiredTags, and that arches are ALL or null.

and if you still can’t get the entitlement cert after checking the above, another thing to check:

  1. subscription-manager identity – note the ID output of system identity
  2. Navigate to the Content Host details in the UI and ensure the ‘Subscription UUID’ matches this number. This will confirm that what you see in the UI refers to the same host we’ve been talking about.


I ran subscription-manager refresh.

[root@centos8 ~]# subscription-manager refresh
4 local certificates have been deleted.
All local data refreshed
[root@centos8 ~]# 

As expected, four certificates exist in /etc/pki/entitlement (one per subscription).

I have confirmed the subscription is attached:

[root@centos8 ~]# subscription-manager list --consumed
   Consumed Subscriptions
Subscription Name:   EPEL
Provides:            EPEL
SKU:                 880052375708
Serial:              4728746379530824352
Pool ID:             8a9084ac754b9a7a01754ba823ff000f
Provides Management: No
Active:              True
Quantity Used:       1
Service Type:        
Service Level:       
Status Details:      Subscription is current
Subscription Type:   Standard
Starts:              10/21/2020
Ends:                11/30/2049
Entitlement Type:    Physical

Subscription Name:   CrowdStrike
Provides:            CrowdStrike
SKU:                 417145038866
Serial:              761960355017383174
Pool ID:             8a9084ac754b9a7a01754ba99295003f
Provides Management: No
Active:              True
Quantity Used:       1
Service Type:        
Service Level:       
Status Details:      Subscription is current
Subscription Type:   Standard
Starts:              10/21/2020
Ends:                11/30/2049
Entitlement Type:    Physical

Subscription Name:   OCS Inventory
Provides:            OCS Inventory
SKU:                 968934576493
Serial:              4346063504402303689
Pool ID:             8a9084ac754b9a7a01754ba9258d0031
Provides Management: No
Active:              True
Quantity Used:       1
Service Type:        
Service Level:       
Status Details:      Subscription is current
Subscription Type:   Standard
Starts:              10/21/2020
Ends:                11/30/2049
Entitlement Type:    Physical

Subscription Name:   CentOS
Provides:            CentOS
SKU:                 927803325001
Serial:              6155435201808464779
Pool ID:             8a9084ac754b9a7a01754ba7cceb0003
Provides Management: No
Active:              True
Quantity Used:       1
Service Type:        
Service Level:       
Status Details:      Subscription is current
Subscription Type:   Standard
Starts:              10/21/2020
Ends:                11/30/2049
Entitlement Type:    Physical

[root@centos8 ~]# 

As you suggested, I cross-referenced the ID reported by subscription-manager against what’s in the Foreman UI:

[root@centos8 ~]# subscription-manager identity
system identity: efaae9e2-02a1-4c0f-bb3a-1c34e18c4fc3
name: centos8.mydomain.com
org name: My Awesome Org
org ID: My_Awesome_Org
environment name: CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers
[root@centos8 ~]#

I double-checked the subscription itself, too.

I checked the entitlement certificate for the CentOS subscription and its still missing BaseOS.

[root@centos8 ~]# rct cat-cert /etc/pki/entitlement/6155435201808464779.pem
	Entitlement Certificate

	Path: /etc/pki/entitlement/6155435201808464779.pem
	Version: 3.4
	Serial: 6155435201808464779
	Start Date: 2020-10-21 14:54:49+00:00
	End Date: 2049-12-01 00:00:00+00:00
	Pool ID: 8a9084ac754b9a7a01754ba7cceb0003

	CN: cbd52b3169ad409eab1d116a995faa17
	O: My_Awesome_Org

	C: US
	CN: foreman.mydomain.com
	L: My City
	O: My Awesome Org
	OU: My Unit
	ST: My State

	ID: 927803325001
	Name: CentOS
	Arch: ALL
	Brand Type: 
	Brand Name: 

	Name: CentOS
	SKU: 927803325001
	Service Type: 
	Service Level: 
	Quantity: Unlimited
	Quantity Used: 1
	Socket Limit: 
	RAM Limit: 
	Core Limit: 
	Virt Only: False
	Stacking ID: 
	Warning Period: 0
	Provides Management: False

Authorized Content URLs:

	Type: yum
	Name: 8 - AppStream
	Label: My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_AppStream
	Vendor: Custom
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/CentOS/8_-_AppStream
	GPG: ../../katello/api/v2/repositories/3/gpg_key_content
	Enabled: True
	Expires: 1
	Required Tags: 
	Arches: ALL

	Type: yum
	Name: 8 - PowerTools
	Label: My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_PowerTools
	Vendor: Custom
	URL: /My_Awesome_Org/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/CentOS_8_Virtual_Servers/custom/CentOS/8_-_PowerTools
	GPG: ../../katello/api/v2/repositories/5/gpg_key_content
	Enabled: True
	Expires: 1
	Required Tags: 
	Arches: ALL
[root@centos8 ~]#

I have a similar issue opened at a customer but unfortunately I did not get more data from them afterwards.

Can you have a look at: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1886325, perhaps confirm that your candlepin database misses the same type of entries and try to move the issue forward? I really would be thankful!


@Dirk, Thanks for the update. I just posted to the Red Hat bug. In the meantime, if anyone else has a suggestion on how to resolve the issue, it’d be greatly appreciated.

I did find a missing database entry for the BaseOS repo; it doesn’t appear to exist in the cp2_product_content table. I have (randomly) come across this issue with other repos, so I’m hoping solving this problem will help resolve the other, too.

candlepin=# select * from cp2_content where name like '8%';
               uuid               |  content_id   |          created           |          updated           |          contenturl           |                       gpgurl          
              |                  label                   | metadataexpire |      name      | releasever | requiredtags | type | vendor | arches | entity_version | locked 
 8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b611ff5 | 1603292218870 | 2020-10-21 10:56:58.869-04 | 2020-10-30 10:31:25.281-04 | /custom/CentOS/8_-_AppStream  | ../../katello/api/v2/repositories/3/gpg_key_content | My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_AppStream  |              1 | 8 - AppStream  |            |              | yum  | Custom |        |      497872048 |      0
 8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b841ffa | 1603292227268 | 2020-10-21 10:57:07.265-04 | 2020-10-30 10:31:25.316-04 | /custom/CentOS/8_-_PowerTools | ../../katello/api/v2/repositories/5/gpg_key_content | My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_PowerTools |              1 | 8 - PowerTools |            |              | yum  | Custom |        |     1365813698 |      0
 8a9084ac754b9a7a01758f85c2a72445 | 1603292223082 | 2020-10-21 10:57:03.08-04  | 2020-11-03 14:11:49.415-05 | /custom/CentOS/8_-_BaseOS     | ../../katello/api/v2/repositories/4/gpg_key_content | My_Awesome_Org_CentOS_8_-_BaseOS     |              1 | 8 - BaseOS     |            |              | yum  | Custom | x86_64 |     1284365651 |      0
(3 rows)

candlepin=# select * from cp2_product_content where content_uuid='8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b611ff5';
           product_uuid           |           content_uuid           | enabled |          created           |          updated           |                id                
 8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b8f1ffc | 8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b611ff5 | t       | 2020-10-30 10:31:25.327-04 | 2020-10-30 10:31:25.327-04 | 8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b8f1fff
(1 row)

candlepin=# select * from cp2_product_content where content_uuid='8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b841ffa';
           product_uuid           |           content_uuid           | enabled |          created           |          updated           |                id                
 8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b8f1ffc | 8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b841ffa | t       | 2020-10-30 10:31:25.327-04 | 2020-10-30 10:31:25.327-04 | 8a9084ac754b9a7a017579eb9b8f1ffd
(1 row)

candlepin=# select * from cp2_product_content where content_uuid='8a9084ac754b9a7a01758f85c2a72445';
 product_uuid | content_uuid | enabled | created | updated | id 
(0 rows)


So, it seems the issue with Candlepin continues. At first it appeared to be resolved with a complete re-install of Foreman. However, after adding 100+ hosts, it seems to be affecting multiple hosts. We have an Icinga2 repo; RHEL 8 hosts are able to subscribe to the product but no repos are made available. Upon inspecting the entitlement certificate, it is missing the content section that defines repos the host is allowed to access. On hosts that had access to this repo before, they no longer have access. All hosts are able to subscribe to the product, but they all receive an entitlement certificate that is void of a “Content” section.

I looked into the Candlepin documentation and wrote an API client to interface with the service. I hit the following endpoint:

  • /candlepin/entitlements/product/275076129832?lazy_regen=true

I confirmed via /var/log/candlepin/candlepin.log that the product’s entitlement certificate was regenerated. I then used curl to regenerate the host’s entitlement certificates:

  • curl --cert /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem --key /etc/pki/consumer/key.pem -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT https://foreman-server.com/rhsm/consumers/36a1ad9e-f4d8-494a-959a-d795079ee775/certificates?lazy_regen=true

After which I ran this on the client host to refresh the entitlement certs and check to see if the repo was now available:

# subscription-manager refresh; subscription-manager list --consumed | egrep 'Sub.* Name'; subscription-manager repos --list | egrep 'Repo\ ID' | sort
6 local certificates have been deleted.
All local data refreshed
Subscription Name:   Red Hat Enterprise Linux Academic Site Subscription with Smart Management + Satellite , Self-Support (Server, Desktop, Workstation, POWER, HPC, Per FTE)
Subscription Name:   Icinga2
Subscription Name:   Elastic Stack
Subscription Name:   EPEL
Subscription Name:   OCS Inventory
Subscription Name:   CrowdStrike
Repo ID:   codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
Repo ID:   My_Awesome_Org_CrowdStrike_EL8
Repo ID:   My_Awesome_Org_Elastic_Stack_Elk_7
Repo ID:   My_Awesome_Org_EPEL_EPEL8
Repo ID:   My_Awesome_Org_OCS_Inventory_EL8
Repo ID:   rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
Repo ID:   rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
Repo ID:   rhel-8-for-x86_64-supplementary-rpms

I validated there is an entitlement certificate for Icinga2 in /etc/pki/entitlement and correlated that certificate against what’s recorded in /var/log/rhsm/rhsm.log, but it is still missing the Content section.

The only change between when this repo was available and now is over 100 hosts were added to my Foreman instance (we have a lot of RHEL 7/8 servers to keep entitled and updated).

At this point, I’m at the end of my rope. I have consistently experienced this issue and I’m not really sure what else to do. If anyone has some guidance they could provide, I’d appreciate it. I’ll try and open a RH bug for Candlepin, but wanted to update this thread first in case anyone else had thoughts or the same issue.

Thanks for letting us know, and please keep me updated as I am also out of ideas especially for a reproducer.

The BZ ticket I opened with Red Hat can be found at: 1928837 – Product entitlement certificate missing Content section

Please feel free to add any details you feel may be relevant.

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