Documentation team meeting 2023-10-02

Present: @ekohl, @Lennonka, @adamlazik1, @maximilian, @aneta-petrova

This week I forgot to post an agenda, so these are just the notes.

Mini retrospective conclusion

Last week we agreed to have it offline by posting replies to Documentation team meeting 2023-09-25.

Overall everyone was happy with how it went, with some minor practical comments.

  • Screensharing while triaging: this will probably always be an issue and you can’t expect everyone to read along. It’s agreed to keep it short. If it’s a lot of reading to summarize we assign it to someone who will prepare it for the next meeting. These will be added to the meeting notes and the agenda of next week.
  • Time slot: it’s agreed that there’s a preference to keep the meeting at half an hour and weekly, so we’ll look for another time slot that better accommodates people. We tried to do it online, but that was difficult, so we’ll find a new slot offline. For next week we’ll keep the current slot.
  • To advertise the meeting more openly the one making the agenda will add it to Events - TheForeman

Chat discussion

In light of Proposal on consolidation our chat platforms the question was raised if we need a separate Matrix room for documentation. @ekohl suggested to first start in the general foreman developers room and only if it becomes high traffic to start a new one, to avoid fragmenting the discussion.


After going through the open PRs and issues, these are the action items.