Ensuring plugin frontends are translated

two PRs[1,2,] addressing translations of JS-based fronteds have just been merged and introduced a new step into the whole translation process. This new step (rake plugin:po_to_json[$plugin]) should be run after strings are extracted and merged by rake plugin:gettext[$plugin].

The plugin template has been updated[3], all that is needed right now is to pull the changes from the plugin template into plugins and perform the additional step.

Note, this depends on using the plugin dsl for translations as described here[4].

I’ll try to do this for as many plugins as I can, but I’d like to ask you all to chip in and make sure this really gets done for all our plugins.

[1] - https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/9691
[2] - Refs #36330 - Place assets into plugin dir by adamruzicka · Pull Request #9711 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub
[3] - Update makefile for frontend translations by adamruzicka · Pull Request #41 · theforeman/foreman_plugin_template · GitHub
[4] - Using plugin DSL for registering plugin translations

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Looks like I was too hasty. Before Adjust makefile for frontend translations by adamruzicka · Pull Request #42 · theforeman/foreman_plugin_template · GitHub is merged, the locale js files will need to be committed manually.