foreman-nightly-rpm-pipeline 1565 failed

Foreman RPM nightly pipeline failed:

foreman-pipeline-foreman-nightly-centos8-stream-install (failed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-foreman-nightly-almalinux8-install (failed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-foreman-nightly-centos8-stream-upgrade (failed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-foreman-nightly-almalinux8-upgrade (failed) (remote job)

This is me trying to get the cicoclient setup working again. The container was updated to ansible-core which means Python 3.8 while cicoclient was installed for Python 3.6. Long term we should move to Duffy, but short term I think we can use pip3.8 install python-cicoclient. However, I don’t have a good way to test other than to make changes and try them which causes some noise.

This should have fixed it:

However, I forgot it needs to install as a user. Let’s see if this does it:

See the fully write up here:

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