How we can centralize the purpose above using the technology that you currently have?

Hi Foreman Team,

I have a question to ask regarding the capabilities of Foreman itself.

Explanation: In our environment, we want to use your Host features to control on our multiple devices. These devices represent for our thin clients. The purpose of using Foreman is to control the installation, updating, and remove packages on the Operating System.

Question: How we can centralize the purpose above using the technology that you currently have?

Hopefully, we can hear from you as soon as possible. If you don’t mind to share sales or technical email. So, I can contact you for further clarification.

Thank you,

Hey @amiralhafiz-company

Welcome to the community.

What do you mean by multiple devices? What kind of devices?

This is our main channel for communication and support because we are a free open source community :slight_smile: We discuss everything on Discourse so that other community members can pitch in with their expertise and help out.

Please take a look at:

You can get a quick overview of all the features.

I would then suggest looking through the Getting Started guide, and maybe doing some preliminary testing with your desired scenario and see can you fulfill your use case with Foreman.

With regards to host management on Foreman, you might read the Table of contents of this Managing Hosts guide to see if the features would match what you are looking for.

If you have any specific questions with regards to the installation or your deployment, feel free to ask here in the community.

Hi @mcorr

I make it short and simple. After successfully configure Foreman with puppet-master, I created puppet-agent. After that for verification on puppe-master there is no new cert in puppet-master to verify. In directly NO NEW HOST CREATED .

Additional info:

Puppet-Master (server.foreman.local) = CentOS 7 based

Puppet-Agent (agent1.foreman.local) = Ubuntu 18

The idea is we want to use foreman to control a multiple devices (thin client) that only running Linux flavor. In the meantime for testing we use Ubuntu 18. The purpose is want to make foreman as a centralizer for installing, removing linux package or grouping device based on role. We try to make this Foreman as a manager for thin client. Do advise me for the best solution or anyone in foreman that I contact to deal a serious business.

Thank you

You have to run the puppet agent at least once to generate the certificate request. What happens if you run ‘puppet agent --test’ on the client?

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There are two products based on Foreman:

  • Red Hat Satellite 6
  • ATIX Orcharhino (God I am probably always mis-typing this)
  • ATIX general Foreman support (Foreman | ATIX AG)

@mcorr shall we put this into our site? This is not the first time I am replying to the same “take my money” question. :slight_smile:


Good question @gvde

Here what I got once running that command.

Basically I follow exactly every step for client configuration.

What documentation are you following? Foreman documentation or ITzGeek? Which exactly?

Did you install the puppet agent on the client? Is it in PATH? Otherwise use /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet.

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There are also several companies providing consulting around Foreman, a couple I’m aware of (but there are likely others):

I think it would be a good idea to have a list of companies providing various services (products, consulting, development etc) around Foreman on our website.

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@gvde I’m looking official guide to to installation for server and client I couldn’t find it (Maybe you can advise the complete installation and configuration for specific linux flavour). The only document that I found was from ITzGeek as mentioned on the above.

Did I install puppet agent on client. The answer is yes using this command apt install -y puppet-agent. Kindly refer to the below image.

Thank you

Actually, on our side we like to do it our self but seems like we need some guidance as a kick start maybe we can have a little hand shake for me to have a better understanding about Foreman.

Did you read any Foreman documentation in the links we provided, @amiralhafiz-company? It will probably clear up some confusion and give you a decent overview.

Do you understand the concepts of the PATH environment variable and the meaning of “/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet” I wrote before?

Do you understand ubuntu and how to find out in which directory a specific package installs its files?

To be honest my level for puppet and Ubuntu is on beginner level. Perhaps you can explain for this directory meaning “/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet”. Thank you

In a surface because I skip straight away to find a manual on how to do it.

Hi Guys,

I fixed the config and add server name in etc/hosts inside client, I managed to verify the cert on server but once I run /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test in client it throw new error as per below.

Warning: Setting ‘pluginsync’ is deprecated.

(location: /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/defaults.rb:1905:in `block in initialize_default_settings!')

Do advise me yeah. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Honestly, you should first learn Linux/Ubuntu before you start with something so complicated like Foreman and Puppet. If you are supposed to run “puppet” and you don’t understand what I mean when I write “Use /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet instead” then you are really lacking the most basic knowledge.

Even if we explain every single step you have to do, it’s not like you will know how to use the system, let alone write meaningful Puppet modules. The documentation links were posted before. Until you mostly understand what’s explained there you won’t get anything from Foreman/Puppet. In particular, understand what Foreman & Puppet does and what the Katello plugin provides as additional functionality. From what you wrote in the beginning I get the impression you more want Katello and do content management instead of using Puppet…

Learn Linux and maybe in a year try again.

Otherwise, get a consultant to teach you.

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  1. Based on the understanding by reading documents about Foreman I managed to configure for a server using CentOS 7 and tested client on Ubuntu 18.

  2. I faced some issues while getting a connection between server and client using the Puppet environment.

  3. Now the situation is on master (server) I managed to verified certificate but in the client (agent) still showed up for cert error. I recreated based on information on this link also still get the same error. Regenerating all certificates in a Puppet deployment

  1. Yes, I’m learning now and everything professionalism started with learning.

  2. I hope this community will more helpful to share a piece of knowledge.

Thank you

Please first learn how to copy and paste. Those screenshots are dreadful.

Your client doesn’t know the Puppet CA certificate. The first SSL warning is the issue. But that is really a puppet issue as foreman isn’t involved here.

You don’t post what you really did so it’s hard to tell what have…

[quote=“amiralhafiz-company, post:18, topic:20401”]
Yes, I’m learning now and everything professionalism started with learning.
[/quote] Yes, but any learning starts at the beginning. You start a new language at the beginner level and not at an advanced level and then keep asking all the things you would know if you knew the basics…

Your problem is a puppet issue. I suggest you ask at a puppet forum because that’s more the place where you would learn about puppet. Puppet is just one part of foreman.

And again: I would really suggest you evaluate if it’s really puppet you want or if it’s not Katello for content management with which you can install, update and remove packages (that is content management).

You can do some content management with puppet but that’s kind of like shooting with rockets at birds…



Thank you so much at last you clear something this is not on Foreman side. Yes it is puppet. I tried to post something like a general question to clear the boundaries. By the way thanks a lot for your good explanation on Foreman. :slightly_smiling_face: