Javascript Stack: our next challenges

Officially support react development in plugins, what are the missing parts?

Client-side routing with plugins support

owner: @amirfefer
status: review process, close to being merged.

Redux middlewares to communicate with the API

owner: @Ron_Lavi and @MariaAga
status: Work in progress

Forms Infrastructure

owner: @Ondrej_Prazak
status: review process, close to being merged.

Modals Infrastructure

owner: @jeremylenz
status: work in progress

@theforeman/env - Development environment for foreman core and plugins.

owner: @amirfefer
status: Work in progress

@theforeman/builder - Build production and development bundle files for foreman core and plugins.

owner: @sharvit
status: Work in progress

Milestone reached, react development should officially supported by now

Estimated to the middle of January

What’s next? (just my idea, nothing official)

  • Add bulk action support to Table component, see UX improvement - bulk delete things, maybe general bulk actions
  • Add usage example for a Table/Index page in React
  • Add usage example for an Edit/Create page in React
  • Update the “how to create a plugin?” documents
  • Come up with good tutorials about react development in plugins
  • Add async import support to the vendor project
  • Move the assets pipeline stack to webpack (css and js)
  • Replace UI ruby gems with React implementations, see Legacy JS - things we might want to remove/replace at some point
  • The ToastNotifications uses wrong practices, need to redesign and stop using jquery there
  • Move organizations handling from katello to foreman
  • Deprecate or update jquery
  • Switch from npm to yarn
  • Replace the loading indicators with an approach similar to react-loadable
  • Introduce client support for `websockets’

Want to contribute?

If you would like to contribute to the effort or just want to work on UI/JS feel free to reach out and we can set it up together.

Also, feel free to disagree or add your suggestions, any feedback would be appreciated.



Some things that come to mind for me:

  • Replace redux-thunk with our own Redux middleware, and get rid of all our overly complex action creators. Our own middleware could track API request actions and dispatch success/failure actions as needed; “magic” third-party software is not required. This infrastructure is almost complete already (thanks @Ron_Lavi), but I also think it’s worth refactoring our existing action creators once best practices are established. I think thunks make our code too difficult to understand, especially for someone just “dabbling” in React/Redux and not an expert.
  • Upgrade to Patternfly 4 (yeah, I know. But you can still dream.)
  • Find a way to use a composable React table component like this one instead of the Patternfly approach of assembling complex objects first (this may or may not involve Patternfly upgrade)
  • Have less of a tolerance for bad usability and performance in general. I think small issues like these are worth raising, and while not significant on an individual level, on the whole they can make a huge difference in the quality of our UI and thus the happiness of users.

Replace the loading indicators with an approach similar to react-loadable

@sharvit this looks cool! Also makes me think about React suspense for data fetching, which solves the same problem but isn’t quite ready yet. The API looks similar though, so it would be easy to switch.

This also makes me think about our current approach to React components, and how we mostly use React just for parts of a page using mount_react_component. I think we would get so much more benefit if we convert an entire page at a time to React, instead of adding more ReactDOM.render mount points. You get the full benefits of React Router, a much faster page, and easier integration with the rest of the React app. If we start converting some of our old pages to React, it would help a lot with the technical debt around jQuery (and Angular).

Thanks for this. Greatly appreciated.

Will it be done in time for Foreman 2.0?

Notice the “middle of January” thing is about the current roadmap, without the “Whats next?” section.

I get that but I was wondering if we can say with Foreman 2.0 the use of Webpack/React is officially supported and recommended for plugin developers.

Yes :slight_smile:

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