Katello 4.2.x repository synchronisation issues

If you are on pulpcore 3.14 and are not explicitly opting into the old tasking system, it is safe to delete the records in the “core_taskreservedresource” table (that is - DELETE FROM core_taskreservedresource; ), which should resolve the issue. They are leftovers from the old tasking system which for some reason have not been cleaned up properly.

@John_Beranek Did this a few days ago, he should be able to confirm.

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Thank you for your reply,

I’m putting here what I ran if other people face the same issue :

sudo su - postgres -c "psql -d pulpcore"
psql (12.7)
Type "help" for help.

pulpcore=# DELETE FROM core_taskreservedresource;

It might fix the issues for the sync as well

So, this may be of interest…after running foreman-installer --foreman-proxy-content-enable-katello-agent=false the apparent memory leak in the puma process appears to have stopped.

Services have been running for a week, and look like this:

# ps auxww|egrep 'RSS|puma'
foreman  1975495  0.0  1.0 828912 350176 ?       Ssl  Dec07   4:31 puma 5.3.2 (unix:///run/foreman.sock) [foreman]
foreman  1975589  0.7  1.8 1232884 656148 ?      Sl   Dec07  67:27 puma: cluster worker 0: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975592  0.6  1.6 1086236 575460 ?      Sl   Dec07  64:15 puma: cluster worker 1: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975597  0.6  1.6 1111908 564776 ?      Sl   Dec07  62:26 puma: cluster worker 2: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975603  1.3  1.7 1114444 607620 ?      Sl   Dec07 129:40 puma: cluster worker 3: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975609  0.6  1.7 1109892 594876 ?      Sl   Dec07  66:20 puma: cluster worker 4: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975615  0.7  1.7 1167236 590700 ?      Sl   Dec07  67:55 puma: cluster worker 5: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975621  0.6  1.6 1113856 580616 ?      Sl   Dec07  57:57 puma: cluster worker 6: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975626  0.6  1.8 1246396 632012 ?      Sl   Dec07  59:57 puma: cluster worker 7: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975631  0.6  1.6 1075944 573488 ?      Sl   Dec07  66:08 puma: cluster worker 8: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975638  0.6  1.6 1090692 580552 ?      Sl   Dec07  57:56 puma: cluster worker 9: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975641  0.6  1.6 1094576 577420 ?      Sl   Dec07  62:54 puma: cluster worker 10: 1975495 [foreman]
foreman  1975645  0.6  1.6 1125196 584120 ?      Sl   Dec07  65:51 puma: cluster worker 11: 1975495 [foreman]