Language addition on transifex

It’s actually been my pain point for the releases: getting everything properly translated. As you can see, even if there are translated strings it’s really crucial to get them into releases. That process is broken in a few places. This post it partly a brain dump of what I’m currently trying to fix.

So I came up with a script that uses pofilter to verify:

You can see I hardcoded a few languages, but changing that to just ka should help you decide on what needs work.

First a bit of background about the steps:

  1. Developer extracts strings: update locale/$DOMAIN.pot so Transifex can pick up the new strings
  2. Translators translate strings into each language
  3. Developer pulls in updated translations
  4. Developer releases new version
  5. New version is packaged

So for every plugin (and Foreman itself) we need to do these steps. In State of translations - 3.5 you can see I did steps 1 and 3 for the plugins (using a script), but because they were at the same time there may not have been time for step 2. It may also be that step 4 hasn’t happened yet. For some the step 3 PRs are still open.

All in all this is a rabbit hole that’s deeper than I expected, but I still intend to find my way out.

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