Yesterday I successfully synced my Ceph Nautilus product. Packages for version 14.2.9 have been added.
Also, for both the product content view as well the composite view a new version has been successfully published and promoted. The number of packages is increased based on these new Ceph-packages and they are well listed in the package list.
But, for the content-hosts linked with this repo (Activation key), the new package is not discovered.
When I search for these package updates on the host, the are not listed, even not after a subscription-manager refresh.
However, after I cleaned the yum-cache (centos 7) on the host, the updates are then available, but still not in Foreman / content hosts.
Expected outcome:
Available package updates should be mentioned/listed in the content host overview so they can be applied.
No idea what I may have done wrong, so thanks in advance for any help.
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman: 1.24.2
Katello: 3.14.1
On host:
katello-agent: 3.5.1
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Distribution and version:
CentOS 7
Other relevant data: