Proxmox-plugin: The setting 'Create Image' -> 'Image' is a drop-down menu instead of 'Image VMID'

I have a lab environment and a prod environment, both with the same versions of the foreman software and plugins: In one of the environments I can navigate to the ‘Compute resources’ → ‘Proxmox host’ → ‘Create Image’ page and set at VMID for the template I have in my Proxmox Host, great!

On the other environment the ‘Image VMID’ field is instead a drop-down menu called ‘Image’ with a selection of pre-populated AlmaLinux and Ubuntu images I have not added myself.

What is the reason for this?

Expected outcome:
The menus under ‘Compute resources’ → ‘Proxmox host’ → ‘Create Image’ would look the same and work the same

** Versions **
Same on both servers:

  • Alma Linux 8.9
  • foreman-3.8.0-1.el8.noarch
  • rubygem-foreman_fog_proxmox-0.14.2-1.fm3_7.el8.noarch

The Images come from the proxmox server you have added as a compute resource. It fetches all the VM templates from all the storages of your proxmox server.

Did you ever figure this out? I’m having an issue where I don’t get a dropdown and entering a VMID failes as well.