Rails 7 upgrade

As promised in Path to Ruby 3.0, 3.1, EL9 and Ubuntu 22.04 - #44 by ekohl there would be a follow up project to upgrade from Rails 6.1 to Rails 7(.1).

The primary motivation is to remain up to date. Rails 6.1 will at some point be out of security support.

This RFC won’t go into detail how exactly we’ll solve things, because we partly don’t know. Instead, we’ll start with 3 major milestones that we need to achieve.

For background, Ruby & Rails Compatibility Table - FastRuby.io | Rails Upgrade Service has a nice list of version compatibility. Even Rails 7.1 still works with Ruby 2.7 (though 3.2 is recommended) so we don’t expect problems with the platforms we deploy on.

Convert the loader to Zeitwerk

This has been long known as something to resolve. Feature #29991: Enable Zeitwerk autoload mode for Rails 6+ - Foreman was opened almost 4 years ago and in the mean time work has been done. It must be resolved because the other way will be dropped.

This is aimed to land in Foreman 3.12. 3.11 will branch in less than a month and we don’t expect to resolve the outstanding issues in time, especially taking in mind that we need some time to stabilize things.

Upgrade to Rails 7.0

Previously a tracker was created for this: Tracker #34647: Rails 7.0 Tracker - Foreman

I already opened a PR that at least gets a basic version running (Rails 7 & Ruby 3.1 by ekohl · Pull Request #9328 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub) and have been using it to split off work that could already be merged. The main pain point was Zeitwerk.

One thing it doesn’t do (yet) is update the defaults to Rails 7.0 defaults. We’ll also need to update the packages. The official upgrading guide is a good starting point:

If all goes well, this could land quickly after Zeitwerk. Possibly in 3.12.

Upgrade to Rails 7.1

This is the latest version. I haven’t done a lot of research on how, but the official guide is, again, a good starting point.

Given the building on uncertainty, I don’t know when this will land.

Sidekiq 7

A big unknown is Sidekiq 7. We’re on 6 now, but it must be checked of this will continue to work with Rails 7. It could significantly increase the scope of this project.

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Quick first update.

While we opened a few PRs in the past, @ofedoren has submitted Fixes #29991 - Enable Zeitwerk by ofedoren · Pull Request #10131 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub which is our closest attempt to date. Still work in progress and plugins will likely need work as well.

To keep track, I just created a project. I also started to review open issues on Feature #29991: Enable Zeitwerk autoload mode for Rails 6+ - Foreman.

It’s been a while since the last update because I forgot to set the calendar event as recurring.

@ofedoren has since expanded Fixes #29991 - Enable Zeitwerk by ofedoren · Pull Request #10131 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub and opened PRs to various plugins:

Many of those PRs actually address issues that Fixes #33895 - Set up Zeitwerk inflector by ekohl · Pull Request #10076 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub will introduce. In the short term @ekohl will update Fixes #33895 - Set up Zeitwerk inflector by ekohl · Pull Request #10076 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub to see if HTTP as an acronym is a good idea, or if it breaks too much.

We’ll continue to work on those, but because of availability it may be a bit slower in the coming weeks. Looking at Foreman’s 3.11 schedule the expected GA date is 2024-06-18 so we’ve agreed to aim for merging Zeitwerk shortly after that. In due time we’ll make a proper announcement that we’re going to break plugins.

Because people were off I haven’t updated, but today we decided on a plan to move forward with Zeitwerk. Zeitwerk merge imminent summarizes that so I won’t repeat it here.

After a small break in meetings due to PTO and awaiting branching we started to meet again today.

@ekohl tested Rails 7 & Ruby 3.1 by ekohl · Pull Request #9328 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub rebased on the Zeitwerk patches and found it doesn’t work (registries break). This means Rails 7’s Zeitwerk is a bit different than in Rails 6. @ofedoren will look into this.

We’re still aiming at merging in the first week of September, soon after branching. @ekohl might take PTO around that time, but will ensure someone with sufficient permissions stands by to merge things in various repos.

@ofedoren has been testing with Rails 7 and confirmed my findings: we need additional work around the registries and move them to initializers. He’ll verify if such a change also works with Rails 6.

Rails 7 also introduced some new defaults and some of them break Foreman. Currently identifying which ones and what the best solution is (revert to the old value or change application code).

The original goal was to merge Zeitwerk soon after branching. The current plan is:

  • This week: finish up the Zeitwerk code (either Rails 7 compatible or Rails 6-only) (mostly on @ofedoren)
  • Monday September 2nd: build RPMs in COPR and try to do a full end-to-end test (mostly on @ekohl)
  • Tuesday: hold a go/no-go meeting

That Tuesday there’s also work going on for Foreman 3.12.0-rc2 so it’s probably best to merge things on Wednesday if we decide to proceed.

We had this meeting and decided to proceed with it once the CVE releases were out (which are now officially announced; please go upgrade if you’re affected).

By now @ofedoren has updated all PRs with the correct Foreman 3.13 requirement and removed all temporary commits.

These are the PRs we are going to merge in order. Note tier 2 or higher has dependencies on some plugins. Until a release is available with Zeitwerk enabled, they will fail CI.

This means plugin authors should prepare releases once this is out. They will require at least Foreman 3.13 so you’ll need stable branches for Foreman 3.12 and older.

Edit: a few plugins were missed and the list has been updated


@aruzicka, @ofedoren and I just discussed it and we’ll start merging this later today.

We’ll follow the above list in order. It should be noted that we also need releases after, both for CI (which uses gems) and nightly (which uses packages).

Looking ahead to Rails 7 @ofedoren found some issues with plugins and routes. He thinks Introduce Journey::Ast to avoid extra ast walks by composerinteralia · Pull Request #39935 · rails/rails · GitHub has changed it in a way that breaks for us, but isn’t sure if that’s a bug in Rails or in our code.

I’ve updated the list with checkboxes for “merged” and “released”.

rh_cloud is the only one unmerged, and I am chasing people to do releases :slight_smile: