Further update: I was pulling translations and saw these errors/warnings. These are in the order it executed, so fairly random.
2024-09-13T22:09:30 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants UI and UI::HostDescription.
2024-09-13T22:09:37 [W|app|] Setting is not initialized yet, requested value for remote_execution_workers_pool_size will be always nil
2024-09-13T22:09:30 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants HostMix, HasManyCommon, StripWhitespace, Parameterizable, AuditAssociations::AssociationsDefinitions, ApplicationRecord, EncryptValue, PermissionName, URLSchemaValidator, RegexpValidator, ArrayTypeValidator, ArrayHostnamesIpsValidator, EmailValidator, Setting, ForemanLeapp::TemplateHelper, UI, and UI::HostDescription.
This one is a surprise to me, because we did submit a patch for this repo. Running rae zeitwerk:check
Hold on, I am eager loading the application.
WARNING: The following directories will only be checked if you configure
them to be eager loaded:
You may verify them manually, or add them to config.eager_load_paths
in config/application.rb and run zeitwerk:check again.
2024-09-13T22:09:37 [W|app|] Setting is not initialized yet, requested value for remote_execution_workers_pool_size will be always nil
2024-09-13T22:09:37 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants Actions, Actions::ObservableAction, HostMix, HasManyCommon, StripWhitespace, Parameterizable, AuditAssociations::AssociationsDefinitions, ApplicationRecord, EncryptValue, PermissionName, URLSchemaValidator, RegexpValidator, ArrayTypeValidator, ArrayHostnamesIpsValidator, EmailValidator, and Setting.
We haven’t merged the patch yet.
2024-09-13T22:24:00 [W|app|] Setting is not initialized yet, requested value for remote_execution_workers_pool_size will be always nil
2024-09-13T22:24:00 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants HostMix, HasManyCommon, StripWhitespace, Parameterizable, AuditAssociations::AssociationsDefinitions, ApplicationRecord, EncryptValue, PermissionName, URLSchemaValidator, RegexpValidator, ArrayTypeValidator, ArrayHostnamesIpsValidator, EmailValidator, and Setting.
Here we also merged a patch but zeitwerk:check
Hold on, I am eager loading the application.
WARNING: The following directories will only be checked if you configure
them to be eager loaded:
You may verify them manually, or add them to config.eager_load_paths
in config/application.rb and run zeitwerk:check again.
Otherwise, all is good!
2024-09-13T22:09:43 [W|app|] Setting is not initialized yet, requested value for remote_execution_workers_pool_size will be always nil
2024-09-13T22:09:43 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants HostMix, HasManyCommon, StripWhitespace, Parameterizable, AuditAssociations::AssociationsDefinitions, ApplicationRecord, EncryptValue, PermissionName, URLSchemaValidator, RegexpValidator, ArrayTypeValidator, ArrayHostnamesIpsValidator, EmailValidator, and Setting.
This looks the same as others. We’re starting to see a trend that they all pull in foreman_remote_execution
2024-09-13T22:09:45 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constant ForemanThemeSatellite::RendererMethods.
We patched here, so this is surprising
2024-09-13T22:09:47 [W|app|] Setting is not initialized yet, requested value for remote_execution_workers_pool_size will be always nil
2024-09-13T22:09:47 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants HostMix, HasManyCommon, StripWhitespace, Parameterizable, AuditAssociations::AssociationsDefinitions, ApplicationRecord, EncryptValue, PermissionName, URLSchemaValidator, RegexpValidator, ArrayTypeValidator, ArrayHostnamesIpsValidator, EmailValidator, and Setting.
This is what we saw previously in plugins that pulled in REX. Running zeitwerk:check
Hold on, I am eager loading the application.
WARNING: The following directories will only be checked if you configure
them to be eager loaded:
You may verify them manually, or add them to config.eager_load_paths
in config/application.rb and run zeitwerk:check again.
Otherwise, all is good!
Note those are Foreman locations, not REX itself. Not sure what it exactly is.
2024-09-13T22:09:59 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants HostMix, HasManyCommon, StripWhitespace, Parameterizable, AuditAssociations::AssociationsDefinitions, ApplicationRecord, DirtyAssociations, Taxonomix, EncryptValue, Encryptable, PermissionName, Authorizable, EnsureNotUsedBy, ComputeResource, ForemanAzureRm::VMExtensions, ForemanAzureRm::VMExtensions::ManagedVM, and ForemanAzureRm::AzureRm.
Here we had patches, but there are certainly foreman_azure_rm specific classes.
2024-09-13T22:10:05 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants HostMix, HasManyCommon, StripWhitespace, Parameterizable, AuditAssociations::AssociationsDefinitions, ApplicationRecord, DirtyAssociations, Taxonomix, EncryptValue, Encryptable, PermissionName, Authorizable, EnsureNotUsedBy, ComputeResource, and ForemanKubevirt::Kubevirt.
2024-09-13T22:10:05 [W|app|] Foreman-Kubevirt: skipping engine hook (expected file /home/ekohl/dev/foreman_kubevirt/app/models/concerns/fog_extensions/kubevirt/vmnic.rb to define constant FogExtensions::Kubevirt::Vmnic, but didn't)
Here we thought we didn’t need a patch, but there are kubevirt specifics so a patch is probably still needed.
2024-09-13T22:09:30 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants UI and UI::HostDescription.
2024-09-13T22:09:33 [W|app|] Failed to load Proxmox extension uninitialized constant ForemanFogProxmox
A patch will be needed to become compatible.
2024-09-13T22:09:30 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants HostMix, HasManyCommon, StripWhitespace, Parameterizable, AuditAssociations::AssociationsDefinitions, ApplicationRecord, EncryptValue, PermissionName, URLSchemaValidator, RegexpValidator, ArrayTypeValidator, ArrayHostnamesIpsValidator, EmailValidator, Setting, ForemanLeapp::TemplateHelper, UI, and UI::HostDescription.
Here I finally notice HostMix
is specifically mentioned.
This is this week’s summary. Next week we’ll continue.