Release Team Meeting 2023-02-14

Foreman 3.10

Foreman 3.9

  • 3.9.2 - status?

Foreman 3.8

  • 3.8.1 still open in redmine. Status?

Katello 4.12

Katello 4.11

  • 4.11.1 Status

Katello 4.10

  • 4.10.1 - Delayed by @pcreech outage and delivery team infra issues


  • Notes from integration meeting?

Present: @pcreech (chair), @ekohl (notes), @wbclark, @Griffin-Sullivan

Foreman 3.10

Currently a bit behind schedule. The schedule was posted yesterday when the stabilization week already started. Currently catching up on the preparation week.

It was raised that in 3.9 branching we had delays and how we prevent it this time. Last time we merged some pretty big changes late in the release cycle and the COPR migration slowed things down. If we don’t merge big changes during stabilization week we should be good.

We should also keep an eye on Foreman Nightly [Jenkins] which reports errors to Infra & CI - TheForeman.

Foreman 3.9

Question is raised if we need to release 3.9.2. Looking at the 3.9.2 DONE list there are currently 2 issues that have been cherry picked:

The 3.9.2 TODO list is empty.

Given the current effort needed for 3.10 branching this doesn’t warrant a release at this moment.

Foreman 3.8

The 3.8.1 DONE list and 3.8.1 TODO list are both empty so no release is needed.

Katello 4.12

  • Branching is progressing according to schedule

Katello 4.11

I missed this part. Others please add context here.

Katello 4.10

As noted in the agenda, 4.10.1 is delayed.


No notes from the integration meeting.

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@iballou is planning to do a 4.11.1 soon