Remote execution not default for errata apply to entire location

Hey guys I found this old thread Remote Execution not being used despite being set as default
, but has this bug re-appeared in Foreman 2.0 / Katello 3.15?

In Administer -> Settings -> Content I have remote execution set as default.

When applying errata to single host via Hosts -> Content Hosts this works.

When applying errata to Host Collections -> Collection1 -> Install Errata this also works. Runs apply using remote execution.

But when I try to apply it to entire location by selecting location in upper left corner and going to Content -> Errata -> Select errata -> Select Hosts it tries to use katello-agent and this does not work since I’ve removed katello-agent from my servers for eating up RAM.

Expected outcome:

Content -> Errata -> Select errata -> Select Hosts triggers remote execution job on all servers in that location.

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 2.0 / Katello 3.15

Distribution and version:
CentOS 7
Other relevant data:


Is there any update about that? We have same issue.


I’ve just upgraded to foreman 2.2 and katello 3.17 and still getting this error.

This is a relatively new install, and as katello-agent is going away I’ve been loathe to install it on the clients.

Is there any work around? Or can we not use the errata section (which was a big part of me selling this to management. :stuck_out_tongue: )