Spacewalk User new to Foreman

There you have it. Either you’re using ed25519 keys which are unsupported before foreman 2.5 or your private key is in a format which makes foreman think it is an ed25519 key. Is the first line of the key -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----?

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Yes, that correct. Here is how the key looks like:

[root@vm-fmn01 .ssh]# pwd
[root@vm-fmn01 .ssh]# cat id_rsa_foreman_proxy

I think I followed this instruction to setup remote execution, It was not working so I may have tried other links to troubleshoot but this is one of them

actually, it was this link initially

by the way, I am able to ssh to the host from foreman server without a password prompt

 [root@vm-fmn01 .ssh]# ssh -i ~foreman-proxy/.ssh/id_rsa_foreman_proxy root@vm-spacewalk02
 [root@vm-spacewalk02 ~]#

This is a bit of a bug in the ssh library we use. If it is an rsa key, it needs to be in the format, not the new one that openssh recently started defaulting to.

The easiest way to go about it would be to remove the key in the “wrong” format and generate a new one.

rm ~foreman-proxy/.ssh/id_rsa_foreman_proxy*
sudo -u foreman-proxy ssh-keygen -f ~foreman-proxy/.ssh/id_rsa_foreman_proxy -m pem

and then distribute the new key to hosts

Great! It works now. I am able to run schedule remote jobs now but when try to deploy an update package I get the following error :

  Host did not respond within 20 seconds. The task has been cancelled. Is katello-agent installed and goferd running on the Host?

do I still need katello-agent?

No. You need change the default for remote execution to REX or manually select to execute via “remote execution”.

Got it.
Thanks. it looks like I am all set now.


I think I speak for everybody when I say, we’d be happy if you let us know after a while of using, what do you miss from spacewalk, what we should improve (prioritized list please :slight_smile: and what is potentially better.

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Hi Guys,

I need it to redeploy this under Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) OS. The basic quick install for Ubuntu 20.04 is very straightforward and I got that up and running. Where do I find steps for Katello integration part (foreman-installer-katello)?

I don’t think this is possible.

Katello isn’t packaged on Ubuntu (nor Debian). While in theory it could be done, nobody has put in the effort to do so. There are also no plans to do so from anyone that I know.

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Thanks for the quick response.

so, What opensource option do I have for content management if I want to use foreman on Ubuntu?

@salton , sorry for the question: you want to manage errata/package upgrades and so on debian-like systems ? or you want to use ubuntu as the base foreman server to manage other linux?

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I want to manage errata/package upgrades for ubuntu/debian/fedora/centos, because of a new centos license change can not go with centos OS for new servers.

ok @salton , Now I understand.
I noticed you coming from Spacewalk as many of us, unfortunately, there’s no support for errata on debian-like systems, for now. There’s an ongoing initiative, many posts asking for the same and many dependent things around this, take for example: Ubuntu Foreman/Katello Not showing Applicable Packages

I feel it won’t be that long until completed, but if you are in an urgent situation, maybe looking for a temporary alternative is not a bad idea.

@salton, you could have a look at orcharhino. orcharhino is a commercially supported downstream product of foreman/katello including errata information and package updates for Debian/Ubuntu. It also provides errata information for CentOS7.

AFAIK CentOS didn’t change their license. Are you referring to the policy change where it becomes an upstream to RHEL instead of a downstream?

you are right… I was checking some articles about this and it says the free ride is over… so, I thought it is going to be paid license now but I just confirm that it is still free license but the Stream is a rolling release and not meant to be used for production systems.

You can use Foreman to manage the rolling stream quite well: