Archiving old Debian/Ubuntu releases?

Ohai! currently hosts all Debian and Ubuntu packages we ever released (well, starting with Foreman 1.2 at least).

It’s certainly nice to have such a huge archive, but it also has a big drawback: the software we use for managing the Debian repositories considers all these as “active” and re-scans them for changes every time we update one of the really supported versions. That’s super time consuming and a waste of resources.

I would like to move all not supported releases (so anything older than 2.0) to a separate archive ( and thus not touch them anymore when we touch the active ones.


In principle this sounds like a good idea. The only consideration I would have are upgrades. Our instructions are still to go from minor version to minor version and not skip any. We should update the upgrade instructions for users coming from 1.x. If we have that, I have no issue with moving it to an archive.

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Announcement in Archiving old Debian/Ubuntu releases