I’ve just done another fresh install of Katello 3.5 and qdrouterd fails to start due to a bad configuration.
2018-01-14 23:22:56.581174 +0000 MAIN (critical) Router start-up failed: Python: Exception: Cannot load configuration file /etc/qpid-dispatch/qdrouterd.conf: No such entity type 'org.apache.qpid.dispatch.container'
It looks like this was deprecated in recent versions and removed entirely in 1.0.0, which is currently installed via the directions.
Any estimate on when this is to be released, and for what versions. In desperate need of fixes for 3.2, and 3.4 of Katello. 3.5+ is not an option at this time for me. Any fresh installs of Katello any version would be broken state, due to qdrouterd-1.0.0-1.
The changes are merged, I’m not sure if we’ll get it backported to 3.4. You can probably take a copy of a working dispatch router configuration for 1.0 and drop it into 3.4 in /etc/qpid-dispatch, and things will run. I haven’t tested this, please report back if you get it working.
You’ll at least need to change the hostname in the router id, I think everything else is the same.
Note - The installer will overwrite it when it runs again, however.
I can also confirm, that I have this functional with 3.2 again, and 3.4 against 6000 systems.
Just pushed a content release for the month of February, and no issues reported. Thank god.
The issue of which I have in your statement, where its not being backported is troublesome. Not so much for my environment, but from an installation standpoint. The changes apparently haven’t been migrated yet into the repos for Katello.
The installation choices of Katello’s page, gives 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 — of which out of the gate is broken.
Standing up 3.5 fresh, qdrouter is still broken — any timeframe on when this will be available.
How did you manage to get the qdrouterd.conf file given above? I am new to katello and want to know what configurations (like hostname) you needed to change to get it to work?
Also, are you using katello to push content to hosts? If so can I get in touch with you with some questions. If you hang out in IRC, I can ping you
I tried to perform a yum downgrade for those packages but system returns me error. My katello version is 3.5 and I believe I’ll be waiting for a fix for this version.
The file which Stephen Benjamin posted, will function. Although I only performed this operation to get my current site functional state again. While I believe that qpid-dispatch should be back ported to work with earlier version of the software available. ie: If the katello page has 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 available for download, then it should work out of the box.
So I did a fresh installation of katello 3.4. And replaced the qdrouterd.conf file as you suggested. However the service still fails. Can you take a look in this post to see if you can find anything?
Last Friday I did a fresh 3.4 install and was able to get everything working. I swapped out the etc/qpid-dispatch/qdrouterd.conf file and modified the following:
router {
id: katello.example.com <— insert your hostname here
mode: interior
worker-threads: 2
After changing the config, restart the service: systemctl restart qdrouterd
I also had an issue on hosts when installing katello-agent. The dependencies did not include python-gofer-qpid. Make sure this is also installed.
An updated 3.5.1 with this fixed should be released soon. Apologies for the delay. Its unlikely older versions will receive an update though. A workaround for 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.0 is to downgrade the qpid stack: