Attendees: @upadhyeammit(Chair and Notes), @ehelms, @evgeni, @Zhunting, @iballou, @Odilhao
Deprecating EL7
- As per the discussion the effort needs more attention and time in documentation changes, deprecating EL7 from puppet modules. Considering it, we will start working on it post 3.3. GA.
- We are postponing the efforts to deprecate EL7 in 3.3 to Foreman 3.4
- The checklist needs rearrangement.
- Need to revert EL7 deprecation changes from foreman-documentation site.
- 3.3(to do )
Progress on installer module releases
- Some modules are already released and @evgeni has raised pull requests for most of the remaining modules.
SELinux upgrades broken
- If not fixed on time then this is the blocker for 3.3 release.
Progress on installer module releases
- Checking for cherry picks for 4.4.1
- @Partha_Aji will be the owner for the release.
- There is nothing major pending to merge in installer modules for 4.5